[Sexual Cyphers] || Hoseok

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gldenjjk writing

Reader is afab


Hobi decided to take you to one of his underground rap shows. You had just made it and you could feel the intensity and adrenaline in the air and you got even more excited. You were able to find a spot in front of the stage. You listened to multiple different rappers and it was finally your boyfriends turn.

He got up on stage and sent you a wink and you rolled your eyes. Until you started hearing the words he was spitting into the mic. The words had you clinching your thighs. The words were so nasty and vulgar and the girls around you almost passed out. He even made eye contact through some of his freestyles and that's when you had it. You made your way backstage and got some water and waited until Hobi was done.

He came backstage after his set and took off his hat and jacket because of all the sweat. His hair fell into his face and he pushed it back while taking a sip of water. He came and sat beside you and pulled you into his lap.

"How did you like it baby?" He asked with a chuckle as he moved his hand up and down your legs, leaving goosebumps in his wake. "I see you did by how wet you are." He laughed some more.

"Hobi it's not funny."

"But it is, I'll reward you later for being such a good baby tonight." He said as he was being called on stage for a cypher.

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