[Two Worlds Colliding] || Kun & Taeil

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You were halfway through your first semester and you've hung out with Taeil, the frat boy you met on your first day. You also have been hanging out with your good ol' friend Kun, who is now your professor. It's a bit weird to explain to people but it's all good. These two have made your college experience amazing so far and you wanted nothing more but for them to meet each other. Since Kun was new teaching at the university, you imagine that Taeil wouldn't be familiar with him at all, but boy were you wrong. When you were walking with Kun, you spotted Taeil. You dragged Kun over to him so you can introduce them to each other, well at least attempt to.

"Hey Taeil, there's someone I want you to meet. Taeil, this is-"



You stared at the both of them in bewilderment. Sensing your confusion, Kun explained the story on how they know each other.

"When I moved over here, Taeil was my neighbor."

"You were neighbors?" You were so surprised at this new information. Who would've known that two of your favorite people had already met each other?

"Oh, well then it won't be awkward at all! We're all friends here...right?" You looked inbetween them, hoping there wasn't any drama between them.

"We're good friends, don't you worry." Taeil said while pinching your cheek. Kun nodded his head in agreement, pinching the other cheek. You pried their hands off your face and massaged your cheeks.

"Alright then, I'm glad to know everything is great between you two. Now, I don't know about y'all but I could eat."

The boys nodded their heads in unison, agreeing that they are also hungry.

"Where should we eat?" Kun asked as he tried to think of some places.

"Well what are we hungry for?" Taeil asked, pulling out his phone to search for restaurants nearby.

"Anything that isn't the dining hall food." You said while shaking your head, not wanting to eat that food. Taeil then points out that there's a new buffet style restaurant that opened and you all agreed to try it out. Luckily for the three of you, it was walking distance from campus which is very convenient.

When you walked in, the aroma of the restaurant felt so inviting. The smells of the different foods wasn't overwhelming despite there being a lot of food. You paid at the register and you were able to get whatever options you wanted. You all grabbed what you wanted, practically filling up the plate, grabbing your desired beverages and then finding a table.

While you all ate, you talked about stuff that happened in your classes and the overall experience so far. You shared some laughs, so many that there were instances where you nearly choked on your food or drink. After finishing your meal, you all agreed that this outing has to become a regular thing which it did. It was another thing that made your college experience great and you couldn't wait until the next outing with them at the end of the next month.

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