[Words For The Soul] || Namjoon

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Your city was known for having street performers and vendors. Each are unique in their own way, some play instruments, and some dance. Regardless, you can't deny about their talent. Tourists travel from far and wide to see this beloved performers.

One of them was nothing like the rest. He did poetry and he would write them on the spot. Sometimes he can just look at you and start writing or you can challenge him by giving him a word to write about. You went to him pretty often because his poems were a mood booster. Most of the time you challenged him with a random word but today, you wanted to see if he would write one as soon as he sees you.

You walk to his usual spot and once he looks up at you, he immediately starts typing. You wondered what he could be possibly be writing about, mainly guessing it would be about what you're wearing. When he finishes it, he has a proud look in his eyes. His eyes sparkled as his cheeks started to turn pink. His dimples poked out along with his smile as he handed you the poem.

You read it over and you felt flattered. He obviously remembers you and talks about the first time he saw you. He describes the rush of emotions he felt from that first encounterment and how happy he feels whenever you come back. Now it was your turn to blush, smiling widely at the piece of paper. Usually he signs the poem as 'Namu' but this time he wrote his actual name, Namjoon.

"Namjoon, that's a nice name."

"I'm sure yours is nicer."

"____ is pretty alright but it's not like yours."

"It's so nice to finally know your name. I've seen you so many times but I've been afraid to ask for your name."

"I've been afraid to ask for yours. Your poems always make my day so that's why you see me so often. You're an amazing writer and I wish more people knew about you."

"Well, I am in the works of writing a poetry book."

"I'll buy it when it comes out."

"Or I could just let you read it now."

You scrunched your face in confusion at his proposition. Was he inviting you to his place? Is he asking you out on a date? A bunch of questions ran through your mind at once.

"Oh so it's finished?"

"Yeah and I'd figured since you have a bunch of my poems, you should be able to see my other work and approve of it."

"You want my approval?"

He shyly nodded. You felt like your heart was going to burst at his cute Namjoon is.

"Well then, when are you free?"

"Right now." He quickly shuffles around, clearly his set up so you can make it to his apartment as soon as possible. Once you both went to his place, you spent the rest of the day reading his work. You gave constructive criticism and also gave ideas to future poems. When you left his apartment, he added more poems to the book.

It was finally the day that his poem book would be published and released in stores. You went him with to buy his book and you felt so proud of him. You stopped at a coffee shop after buying the books. Namjoon told you to read the last few poems. You were expecting to read the ones that he showed you but they were new ones. The last one was simply titled with your first name. It talked about that night at his apartment. He described you to be the sunlight to his moonlight. At the back, he dedicated the book to you.

It reads, "To ____, the person who became my mood booster when I was theirs. To the person who makes my heart flutter. To the person I call my forever home."

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