[Give Love A Try] || Minghao

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After meeting Minghao at that party and exchanging numbers, you two have been talking everyday. You two clicked immediately and a bond was forming rather quickly. Your friends have noticed that you have been happier ever since the party so they ask what's up.

"You've been smiling a lot more lately."

"Yeah, ever since they saw that guy at the party they so desperately wanted to avoid."

"Listen, my reason for avoiding was very valid."

"Yes but you going was worth it because you have a new loverboy."

You bite back a smile at the thought of Minghao being your boyfriend, you know for real this time. You were so grateful that he jumped into action when your ex came over and taking you away from them in fear of something escalating. You want to make it up to him somehow and hopefully he lets you do so. You decided to call him and he answered after the third ring.


"Hey Minghao!"

"Hi, is everything alright?"

"Yea, everything is good. I just wanted to thank you again for the other night."

"____, you don't need to thank me anymore."

"I know, but I want to make it up to you somehow."

"You really want to make it up to me?'

You nod your head. He thinks to himself for a moment before his eyes light up.

"You can make it up to me by going on a date."

"A date? When?"

"Is tomorrow afternoon good? There's this exhibition that I wanted to check out but I never found the time to go."

"That sounds good to me! See you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow."

After hanging up, you let out a squeal of excitement. After planning your outfit, you couldn't have wanted the day to end faster. Your friends were excited when you told them about your upcoming date and they teased you by saying to make sure to invite them to your future wedding. You went to sleep with a smile on your face, glad that you'll be able to see Minghao again.

It was finally the next morning and you woke up with butterflies in your stomach. You were excited for this date but nervous at the same time. After getting ready, you were pacing by your front door. Since Minghao was coming to pick you up, you didn't know what type of exhibition you would be going to but you had a good feeling that you enjoy it. You jump when you hear the doorbell ring, not expecting him so soon. You fix your clothes and look at yourself one last time before opening the door.

"Hi Minghao! You look great!"

"Look who's talking."

You blush and grab your keys, locking the door. You two head out in his car and after a short drive, you arrive at the spot for your date.

"I know we're going in an exhibition, but it's not any ol' exhibition."

You tilt your head, wanting him to continue.

"This is a exhibition of my friend and I's art and photography."

"No way, that's so cool!"

"Ready to see?"

"Lead the way, curator."

He chuckles at the nickname and walks you through the place. He explains each piece and the story behind each photograph. Not wanting you to feel left out, he would ask for your input. You would comment on what you liked about each piece and he would smile whenever you mentioned a small detail that he thought would go unnoticed. After going through the whole gallery, you went next door to a restaurant to have lunch.

"You know what's funny?" You ask him.


"I heard about your gallery and I was trying to figure when to come."

"And here we are."

"Who would've thought?"

"Life works in mysterious ways, doesn't it?"

"Yes it does."

As you both ate your meal, your mind would wander from time to time. You really could imagine yourself being with Minghao.

"I should thank my friends." You accidentally said out loud.


Your eyes widen, realizing you said it out loud.

"Because if they never gave me a compromise to go to the party, we wouldn't have met."

A soft smile breaks onto his face, a blush creeping up on his cheeks.

"Can I be completely honest as well?"

You nod your head, wanting him to continue either.

"I didn't want go to that party either but something was telling me to go so I did."

"Looks like we were destined to meet each other."

"It definitely appears that way. The universe was right though."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

You both smiled and you reached across the table to hold his hand.

"With that being said, Minghao will you be my boyfriend...you know, for real this time?"

"I can't believe you bet me to making it official but yes, let's do this for real this time."

Your romantic relationship had just started and he was already a major upgrade compared to your ex. He went from being your fake boyfriend for a night to being your real boyfriend and you're glad you can officially call him yours.

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