[Early Morning Bonds] || Hoseok

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gldenjjk writing
*she might make this an actual story so be on the lookout ;)
(Y/f/n) = your friend's name

"_____ do we really have to go to the store at 3 am!"

"Yes I want some snacks." You grab their hand the two of you make your way to the store. As you two walk into the store, the florescent lights blind you to the point where you both are squinting behind our glasses. I find my way to the candy aisle as you find your way to the aisle with drinks . You make it into the aisle and you see a pretty tall good looking guy rummaging through all the wine choices. You smile a little and look for our favorite soda.

"Hey if you had a choice which one?" You turn around and the very handsome guy is holding up a white wine and a red one.

"Uhh..the red one because it's a pretty color. I'm not old enough to drink."

"Then what are you doing out at this time of night where are your parents?"

"I'm old enough to be out of my parents house."

"Oh okay then, red one it is. I'm Hoseok by the way."

"_____." You found the soda and were about to make it out of the aisle.


"Yeah, I need help finding some snacks too."

"And you want my help..."


"Fine but be quick I have a grumpy roommate in here waiting for me."

"Ha, I feel you on the grumpy roommate."

You go the aisle with an assortment of treats. You start pointing out your favorite snacks and Hoseok grabbed each and everyone while trailing behind you sending pick up lines and funny jokes.

"Hoseok if you're flirting with me just know I'm 18 years old."

"Okay...that's not too bad...I'm still gonna flirt with you." He said, poking your cheek and walking out of the aisle. You both walk up to the counter and he put the stuff on the counter while grabbing the things out of your arms and paying for them too.

"Hoseok you didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to you helped me." You both walk out of the store seeing your roommates sitting side by side.

"(Y/f/n) lets go." Hoseok says the same thing to his roommate. He leans over and whispers "That was the grumpy roommate I was talking about." You whispered back a "me too." and you both share another laugh. You were about to part your separate ways before Hoseok stopped you.

"Hey _____, I never got your phone number."

"Who said I was gonna give it to you?"

"Aw come on pleasssseee?" You playfully rolled your eyes and gave him your phone number. You were about to say something but you were interrupted by the roommates screaming 'come on!'. You said goodbye and went your way but not before looking back to see Hoseok send you a wink and take a sip of the wine bottle.

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