[Dreams Come True] || Jaehyun

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You and your boyfriend are in a long distance relationship. There have been many instances where you two would randomly FaceTime the other person when you really missed each other and tonight was one of those nights. Your day was just beginning when you got a call from him.

"Jaehyun! Shouldn't you be getting ready for bed?"

"Yeah but I miss you."

"I miss you too babe but you need to go to sleep."

"Please, I want to fall asleep to your voice so you can appear in my dreams."

You scrunched your nose, cringing at his cheesiness but you agree nonetheless. After two to three hours of talking, you hear soft snores over the phone. You didn't have the heart to hang up the phone so you let the call run. Later on in the day, your friend came over.

"I had that dream again."

"The weird one or the truck?"

"The truck."

"You really got your eyes on it."

"I do, and it keeps appearing in my dreams which only means that I'm meant to have it."

"Have you been saving for it?"

"Yeah but it may take a while until I can get it."

"What does it look like again?"

You grab your phone from the charger and start to look for it. While you were talking about the model, color and other facts about the truck, Jaehyun happened to be awake. He had been awake for a few minutes now but he didn't make his presence known when he heard you talk about your dream truck. He made a promise to himself that he will make your dream come true because you rightfully deserve it.

At the end of the month, you were on vacation from work and you tried to see if you could go to Jaehyun. You were bummed when he said you couldn't come due to preparations. Suddenly, you get call from him.


"Open your door."


"I'm sorry, let me try that again. Hi baby, please open the door." You quickly ran to your front door.

"Jaehyun I swear-" You didn't even get to finish your sentence as you opened your door and there was the man of the hour.


You squished him in a big hug, not wanting to let go. You pull back a bit to look at him.

"When? Why?"

"I landed about an hour ago. I wanted to surprise you that's why."

"I could have came to pick you up at the airport."

"I know but I wanted to personally deliver your surprise."

"Well thank you for coming! I thought you were doing preparations?"

"That was a lie."

You start to swat at his chest for lying. He backs away, not wanting to get hit anymore.

"Do you not like that I'm here because I can go back home."

"Don't you dare." You say while giving him many kisses on the cheek.

"That's what I thought. But seriously I have something for you."

"Something besides your presence? The gift that keeps on giving."

"Only the best for you." He then tells that you have to go in your garage to see it. Before you went inside, he covered your eyes and led you inside. Once he uncovered them, you couldn't believe your eyes. In front of you was the very truck you've been dreaming about.

"How?" You ask in disbelief.

"That night when I fell asleep on FaceTime, there was a point when you were talking with your friend about it and I just so happened to be awake."

"You were listening in?"

"Yeah and I just had to get it for you. I know you were saving but I wanted you to get it now rather than later."

"You're unbelievable, do you know that?"

"I've been told once or twice."

You gave him a big kiss and he took pictures of you posing in front of and inside your dream truck. Now you can no longer call it your dream truck since it's officially yours and it wouldn't have been possible without your love Jaehyun.

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