[Business Partners] || Mark

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You were currently enrolled in a business 101 class since it was one of your required classes. The cute boy that you were starting to have a crush on, Mark was on your partner for a business simulation and you were nervous and excited to work together. At the end of the semester there was going to be a group presentation about a business topic from a list. Mark was an arts and entertainment major but he was still super excited to dive into this part of the business. The business simulation was to run a coffee shop and the two of you were deciding on names.

"What about Cup O' Joe?"

You made a face of disapproval and shook your head no.

"You got any better ideas then?"
Mark said with a teasing tone in his voice.

"I mean...not really, but we can look online for some."

You then proceeded to look up coffee shop names and decided on the perfect name. You were able to quickly chose company colors and design on a logo. Over the course of the semester, the two of you started to become friends. You two spent a lot of time together outside of class due to project preparation and seeing Mark being so enthusiastic about it made you have a bigger crush on him.

After you gave your presentation, you went on a study date. When Mark asked you, your eyes nearing popped out of your skull. He quickly asked you through text as the next group was setting up. You read the text and your ears started to turn red. You looked over at him and he mouthed, "Well?" You gave him a thumbs up and quickly typed, "It's a date."

After that study date, it turned into a regular thing and after the final, you went on another date but as Mark says, "This is our first non school related date." You noticed that he was nervous about that idea and you were also nervous. The both of you were excited but you've mainly talked about things relating to class so now you two got the chance to truly know each other. You definitely could get used to having Mark in your life and he thought the same when he asked you to be his significant other and to that you answered, "You got yourself a deal, partner."

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