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You had a crush on Mark. I'm talking a big fat crush on him. You two weren't really close friends but you still talked here and there. It was hard to describe your feelings for him but it felt like he made your life better somehow. Maybe it's the way he smiles, or the way his eyes light up whenever he's excited. You couldn't wait to tell him your feelings anymore so you decided to rip off the bandaid.

You told him at the end of the school day, that way you can execute a escape plan if necessary.

"Hey Mark!"

"Hey _____, what's up?"

"I kind of have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I have a crush on you."

"Oh." You see a frown form on his face, trying to figure out how to answer your confession.

"____ I-"

"Don't feel the same way."

"I'm sorry."

"I have to go." And like that, you rushed out of the building, not even sparing Mark a glance.

You blocked him on whatever social media you had of his. You couldn't stand to see his face now that you know how he feels. Sitting in your room, you realized that you would still see him in school.

You quickly came to the conclusion that you would go the extra mile to avoid and you have been successful for a while, until one unfaithful day.

There was a party happening over the weekend and you and a few friends of yours were going. You felt it would be fun, a nice change of scenery, a way to get over him. Little did you know that Mark and his friends were at this party as well. You stepped through the door of the house and you instantly see him. You try to leave immediately but your friends drag you back inside, insisting that everything would be fine.

You force yourself into the crowd, hoping to blend in. It worked for the most part, but you saw that he was walking in your direction so you weaved through people, trying to find a place away from it all. You find a door that leads to the backyard and you slump down on the bench swing.

There was no way in determining how long you would be out here but anything is better than having to deal with-


Your body tenses up, knowing that you heard Mark's voice.

"You can't keep avoiding me, y'know."

You don't respond, staring at your feet. He lets out a sigh and sits on the other side of the bench.

"You're really not going to talk to me?"

"What's there to talk about? Huh? I told you how I felt and you didn't feel the same. There's not much to talk about after that."

"So what I don't the same way. That doesn't mean-"

"So what? SO WHAT?"

Mark flinched when you raised your voice.

"You don't get it Mark. Why would I continue to associate with someone I have feelings for if they don't feel the same? By me continuing this, my feelings would only grow. So what I did is valid. Sorry that I left you in the dark like that but I just can't."

"____ wait-"

"Goodnight Mark."

Just like that, you left the backyard and made your way home, leaving Mark alone with his thoughts and seeing the demise of your friendship. If only you never told him...or if only he actually felt the same way, you two wouldn't have ended up this way.

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