[Birthday Written In The Stars] || Namjoon

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It was my friend Catherina's birthday the other day and she sure does love Namjoon and astrology so why not combine the two?


It was finally your birthday but you didn't have any plans so it already felt like a regular day. To Namjoon, today would be anything but regular. He wanted to make his first birthday with you memorable. With the help of the boys and your friends, he planned what he hoped to be your best birthday ever.

You woke up to the sound of Namjoon singing happy birthday. Well maybe not singing, he was practically yelling. You were ready to throw your pillow at him but he ran out of the room before you could. You stretched and made your way downstairs, where Jin was finishing your breakfast.

"Good morning Jin." You said with a smile.

"Good morning and happy birthday!"

You sat down and Jin placed all of your favorite breakfast items in front of you. You thanked him and offered some to him but he declined saying, "I already had breakfast but thank you."

You ate your breakfast and you were ready to wash the dishes when Jin said he would take care of it. While he was washing, you noticed that Namjoon hasn't been around.

"Hey Jin, where did Namjoon go?"

"Oh, I believe he got called to his studio. Something about a speaker being broken."

"Again? Someone needs to invent unbreakable speakers for this boy."

You and Jin laughed, imagining him breaking it. You sure loved your klutz of a boyfriend. You excused yourself and went upstairs to get ready. Once you left the bathroom, you went to grab your phone but you noticed a white box with a blue ribbon tied to it. You untied it and you gasped once you saw what was inside. It was a necklace with your star sign's constellation. You put it on and sent a picture to Namjoon.

You went back downstairs to find Jin watching TV. You were about to sit down next to him but he turned off the t.v. and got up. He told you to get a jacket because you were going to your first place of your "birthday adventure." You grabbed your jacket from the coat rack and went out the door.

You walked a couple blocks and stopped at a book store. The smell made you smile right away, reminding you of where you first met Namjoon. The bell chimed and the cashier looked up from the register, smiling once they realized you walked in.

"Hey ___, happy birthday!"

"Thank you!"

"Your boyfriend asked me to give these to you."

You tilted your head as the cashier reached down to give you a bag. You looked in the bag and it was filled with stuff about astrology. You thanked the cashier and when you asked how much it all cost, they said, "Don't worry about it. Your boyfriend paid for it already."

You shyly smiled and thanked the cashier one last time before leaving the store. You asked Jin about the next location but he says, "Yoongi knows. I got called for a meeting so I asked him to come. Speaking of which, there he is."

Yoongi wished you happy birthday and gave you a hug. Jin hugged you goodbye before going off to his meeting. You turned to Yoongi and said, "Alright, you're my captain now. Where to next?" He chuckled and said, "Follow me, my dear." You two linked arms and kept walking. You walked and stopped in front of the animal shelter. You looked at Yoongi with shock and disbelief. He took your hand and dragged you inside.

You got to play with the pets and one of the workers said you can adopt one. Your smile somehow got bigger and you ran to the animal that you saw at the window. After the paperwork was done, you and Yoongi went to the pet store but on the way there, Namjoon called you.


"Enjoying your birthday so far?"

"Is that a trick question? Of course I am. Yoongi and I just left the animal shelter and we're going to get some stuff for our new baby."

"I already bought everything. It's back at the house."

"Wait how did you know what kind of animal I would be getting?"

"Babe, you stop and stare every time we pass by."

You paused and realized that he was correct. "It's not my fault that this little baby is so cute."

"Now the little baby is all yours. Take it home so you can play with it."

"Way ahead of you. Yoongi and I are walking back to the house now."

"Okay. I'm sorry I couldn't take you myself. Being a master of destruction isn't easy."

"It isn't when you have to fix it."

You both laughed and he said he'll see you as soon as he can. You hung up and continued to walk home with Yoongi. Once you unlock the door, the living room was converted into a little play pen. You put your new pet down and let it play with the toys. You offered to make Yoongi lunch but he said he already ordered take out for the two of you. After the food arrived and you two ate, Yoongi got a phone call. While he was on the phone, you played with your new pet some more. Yoongi came back into the room and you already had a hunch of what he was going to say.

"Let me guess. There's a meeting so you have to go and another member is coming."

"Very close. Yes there's a meeting but I'm taking you with me."

"But I don't want to sit through a meeting."

"They have a lot of snacks."

"...I'm sold, let's go."

You were ready to leave the house but you turned around and left some food and water for your pet and kissed its head, telling it that you'll be back soon. You and Yoongi drove to the BigHit building and he led you inside to a conference room. Just like he said, there was a plentiful amount of snacks. The other members started coming into the room, each of them wishing you a happy birthday. Jimin came in with your cake and you were in awe. The cake was a starry night and the moon was at the side of the cake. You blew out the candles and you all enjoyed the cake.

After your mini party, Namjoon took you to the roof. He covered your eyes and once you uncovered them, the sky was filled with stars. He took your hand and led you to the blankets laid out. You two lied next to each other, you cuddling into his side. You two watched the stars and you thanked him over a million times for the best birthday ever.

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