[Can't Sleep Love] || Hoseok

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My writing // idea requested by my friend Keyonie // based off the song "Can't Sleep Love" by Pentatonix


Uh huh
Tell me am I going crazy? (Uh huh)
Tell me have I lost my mind? (Yeah)
Am I just afraid of lovin'? (Uh huh)
Or am I not the lovin' kind? (Yeah)  

Hoseok knew he was falling in love with you. The problem was that he was denying and it was getting worse. Everyday he saw you, he felt himself falling deeper in love. He find the tiniest habits of yours cute and he is certain that you are the one for him. He has fights in his head worrying about the future and if he's really good enough for you. With the encouragement of all of his friends, he finally decides to ask you out on a date and of course you say yes.

Kissin' in the moonlight
Movies on a late night
Gettin' old (Uh huh)

He thought a classic home movie was the perfect date for you. He set up a screen projector, projecting your favorite movie on the garage door and it gave you the retro drive-in theater vibes. The scenery was perfect and everything was going extremely well. The moon was full and the light lit up your face perfectly. The moment Hoseok, and secretly you too, was praying for had finally happened. He leaned down and kissed your lips.

Gimme that can't sleep love
(Gimme that can't sleep)
I want that can't sleep love
(Gimme that can't sleep)
The kind I dream about all day
The kind that keeps me up all night
Gimme that can't sleep love (Yeah)  

After your date, he couldn't fall asleep. He replayed the kiss in his mind and when he tried to fall asleep, he would wake up again because thoughts of you couldn't escape his mind. For days, he finds himself daydreaming about other dates that he would love to take you on. He also thinks of ways to ask you to be his significant other and he is slowly accepting the fact that you're driving him crazy in love.

Maybe I'm too picky, honey (Uh huh)
But I'm not in the world you're in (hah, hah, hah)
I'm not in it for the money, ooh
I'm your looking for the real thing (Yeah)

Hoseok is quite popular so a lot of people try to flirt with him. He dismisses each of them politely, making sure that their feelings aren't majorly hurt. In terms of status and interests, you two are on two separate worlds. No matter the difference, he loves how real you are. You're not spending money to be someone you're not and he loves how genuine you are.

Oh, I'm tired of dreaming I'm no one (I'm tired)
I need some body next to mine (I, I'm tired, yeah)
'Cause I'm dyin' to give it to someone (give it to someone)
Because I can't do it anymore  

It's been a month since the date and Hoseok finally decided it was time to ask you to be his significant other. He took you to your favorite food place and then the park. While you two were walking, Hoseok walked in front of you and turned around. He held your hands and told you every reason why he liked, no wait, loved you. Your heart swelled at his admiration and how he loved your insecurities. He asked you the question you were dying to hear, "Y/n, will you please be mine?"

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