[Champagne Showers] || Johnny

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Your office was throwing a party to celebrate it's 25th anniversary of operation. You have only worked there for a few months so you're still learning your way around the office. It gets pretty hectic at times so maybe this party will give you an escape.

The party was after work in the same building so once it was clock out time, the energy was starting to amp up. The basement of the building had a open space so all of your coworkers went down and the party officially began. There was a karaoke machine and platters of food. There even was a mini bar. You snacked while watching your coworkers sang their hearts out.

One coworker though, he caught your eye as soon as you started working here. Besides the fact that he's literally the tallest person in the office, Johnny had a nice personality and made work less boring. He was your only friend at work and unfortunately, you couldn't find him at this party. You checked your phone, debating on whether to text him or not when someone behind you said, "There you are."

You slightly jumped at the voice but you turned around to be met with a grinning Johnny. He enjoys scaring you on a daily basis. You rolled your eyes at him and slightly pushed him.

"You're not going to get tired of scaring me?"


"Anyways, when did you get down here?"

"Not too long ago but this isn't all that exciting."

"I mean it's an office party and we're probably the youngest staff members here."

"True, so why not we have our own party?"



"Upstairs where?"

"In our office silly, where else?"

"Okay but what if we get in trouble?"

You were started to panic at how calm Johnny was about all of this.

"I'm very close with our boss because he's a family friend. So if any bad happens God forbid, it'll all be on me. I wouldn't want to throw you in the fire you know."

"That's so nice of you to look out for me. Let's go party on our own terms."

He extended his hand for you to hold and lead you back up to the office space. You went into the break room and Johnny placed martini glasses on the counter.

While he was grabbing something from the fridge, he asked, "You ever watched 'The Great Gatsby'?"

"Who hasn't?"

"Then you'll know what I'm about to do."

He turns to you holding a bottle of champagne. You scrunched your face in confusion but you glanced at the way the glasses were stacked and then it all made sense. He popped the bottle and starting pouring, making it appear like a fountain. All of the glasses started to fill up and once they did, you watched Johnny drink the rest straight from bottle and then disposing it.

"Now that we saw the champagne fountain, let's have fun shall we?"

You found a speaker and plugged your phone. You two danced to whatever the music shuffled to. You also talked about how you felt about working there and he told you about everyone else at the office. At the end of the night, you were both giggly messes and after you cleaned up, you called your friend to pick you up while Johnny called his roommate to come get him.

"I had fun tonight."

"So did I."

You two stood in silence, watching the cars pass by. You wanted to tell him something but you weren't exactly sure what to say.

"Hey, um...thanks for tonight. You know, if you didn't come down, I would've been home right now."

"Then I'm glad I went to look for you. I figured you left but it didn't hurt to check. Besides, we had more fun that those geezers."

You chuckled, giving him a small punch.

"They're not that old, Johnny."

"You just started here so you don't know how old these people are."

You were about to say something else but you heard a honk. You both looked up and it was your friend.

"Let's go loser, say goodbye to your boyfriend."

You widen your eyes then you looked up at Johnny, apologizing about your friend.

"It's cool, if my roommate was here, he would've said something similar."

You shook your head and hugged him. You thanked him again and told him to get home safe. He wished the same for you and he'll see you on Monday. As you got in the car and your friend started to drive, you waved to Johnny saying bye again. He waved back and watched you leave. You punched your friend's in retaliation to their comment.

"Ow, what was that for?"

"You know what that was for. I say he's cute once and you call him my boyfriend."

"Trust me, he'll be your boyfriend one day."

"We'll see about that."

For the rest of the drive home, you looked out the window, wondering what it would be like to have him as your boyfriend. A small smile started to form on your face, hiding it away from your friend. Maybe they're right but only time will tell.

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