[Babysitter's Club] || Yangyang

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You and a few other people on your block were some of the best babysitters so jokingly you referred yourselves as the "Babysitter's Club." One of those members was your next door neighbor, Yangyang. He's the latest addition because he recently moved to the neighborhood and he already babysat some children. You've heard excellent things about him from the families and the club members unanimously agreed to have him be apart of it.

All of the members of this club are friends and it was nice to have a fresh face and someone new to call a friend. You on the other hand was starting to have a crush on Yangyang. The rest of your friends saw how shy you got around him so they devised a plan to get you two alone. You were set to babysit the kids of the family across from your house but when you got there, you saw Yangyang going up their front steps.

"Hey Yangyang! What are you doing here?"

"Hey ____, I thought you couldn't babysit tonight"

"I thought you couldn't babysit tonight.

You put the pieces together and realize that your friends set you up.

"Oh yea, but it cleared up. You can go back home if you want. I'll be able to hand them."

"No, I'll stay. I heard that they have a new addition to the family."

"They had another baby?"

"No they got a new puppy"

"Oh, so I'll be babysitting while you play with the puppy."

"Not for the whole time. We'll take turns babysitting and puppy sitting."

"Sounds like a plan."

You spent almost three hours in the house babysitting and you were able to successfully tire out both the kids and the puppy. All that was left for the two of you was to wait for the couple to return home. In the mean time, you got to learn more about Yangyang. You learned about where he grew up and you both shared your favorite childhood memories. It felt like you've known him for years when in reality it's only been a little while. The couple finally arrived and you told them that the kids were tucked away in bed. They were so grateful to the two of you and they paid you and you were off your way home across the street.

"You're a really good babysitter and also a puppy sitter, Yangyang."

"I'm not all that compared to you."

"Well you learn a lot from these jobs y'know."

"That is very true. I imagine you're a bit tired because I am."

"Yeah, I am feeling a little sleepy."

"I'll text you tomorrow?"

"Sounds good. Goodnight Yangyang."

"Goodnight ___."

You both walked to your respective homes and you walked inside, going straight to your room. You wanted to text the masterminds that you knew what they were doing but you'd save that for another day. You got ready for bed and happily fell asleep, dreaming of the charming next door neighbor.

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