1. And he laid his eyes on her

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Following Saturday Can went to see his brother. He had arrived home two days ago, and now he was ready to get out of the house. Emre lived about 20 minutes away from him, so he drove over there. Still no paparazzis around, not even in front of his own house, probably because no one really knew he was back from the States.

He got into his pickup truck, dressed in casual clothes with a peaked cap, to avoid any kind of recognition. With the cap, his long hair in a manbun and with his beard, well, hard work it would be for anyone to recognize him! On top of that, a pair of sunglasses made him completely unrecognizable, so today was going to be a good one, he thought with a smile on his face. He had changed his looks during his stay in LA, and he was sure that he wouldn't be bothered by any fans or paparazzis, atleast not this weekend.

 He had changed his looks during his stay in LA, and he was sure that he wouldn't be bothered by any fans or paparazzis, atleast not this weekend

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He rang the doorbell at Emre's and waited. Soon Emre opened the door and greeted him welcome, they gave each other a big hug and went inside the house together.
They grabbed a quick beer in the kitchen and went outside to the terrace; it was a beautiful day with the sun shining from the bluest sky ever and a nice temperature, so Emre did not object when Can asked him to come along for a day in the city, just the two of them.

It was nice to be able to just walk around between all the people, without being recognized and asked for pics and autographs, or even fans throwing themselves on him, or touching his body; especially his behind, as he could not see WHO touched it...
He did'nt miss it at all, he was so happy to be able to feel like a normal person, even if it was only for just one day, or one weekend.

After a few hours walking around in the old part of Istanbul, they found a small café with a nice terrace, so they decided to sit down to have a more private talk on one of the tables outside.
They ordered 2 café latte, and the waiter brought the lattes in a couple of minutes.
Can told Emre about his experience shooting with Brad Pitt, amazing it was, and whatever he could tell him about the movie and the world of acting in the States. And he told him about his now ended relation with Polen, even though he admitted being not so sure she got the message that it was over, really. Emre said he should take it easy if she came around in any moment; they actually had been "together" for more than 5 years, he must be aware of that, and Can promised him to have that in mind.

Emre told him about his life at the moment, that he got into a toxic relationship with a girl called Aylin, and that finally he was able to get out of it, thanks to a good friend of him. Otherwise he would be lost, as the girl wanted him to abandone his life and his work just to be with her. Rather sooner than later he found out she was bipolar somehow, and he assured she got the help she needed.
So at the moment he went on working as the head of the economic department in their father's company, one of the biggest advertising agencies in Istanbul, he was free like a bird and just enjoyed life.

"Just like me, then", Can said and had the last of his latte. When he put the cup back on its plate, he suddenly felt it.
That pull inside him.


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