69. Temporary only

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The next three days Sanem didn't even have time to stop and really feel if she was okey. The morning after their arrival to the lodge the whole Dior team arrived, and since then...no peace and quiet. On the third day they finally started to film, and Sanem was doing great. Except for one thing; that cameraman. Everywhere she was, he was as well. He gazed at her all the time, which made her feel uneasy, and she felt even worse when she knew he was the one filming sometimes. It was like as he stared at her with the camera lens and it gave her a creepy feeling. And she almost smacked him in his face yesterday, due to that he came up behind her when she had a moment to herself while they were filming only Can, and...he had put a hand on one of her hips and had caressed it in a far too intimate way. She had swirled around, had hit his hand hard and had locked her black and very angry eyes with his a bit surprised ones.

"Don't you dare to touch me again, ever! Is that clear? Who the fuck do you think you are to do so?" She still stared into his eyes and suddenly saw how he smirked at her

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"Don't you dare to touch me again, ever! Is that clear? Who the fuck do you think you are to do so?" She still stared into his eyes and suddenly saw how he smirked at her.

"Ah, come on, beauty! I've heard your are quite... let's say 'light-footed' and easy to get into bed, so what's your fucking problem, bella donna? Don't you want to see what I can offer you?"

While he said those last words with his italian accent, he grabbed his crotch with one of his hands to really show her what he'd got for her.
Sanem couldn't believe what she heard, what the hell..? Then everything happened so fast and she just stood there gawking. Can had sneaked up from behind the asshole and had got him in one of those arm crease grips on his throat, and now he exercised pressure on him. The cameraman struggled to get some air and tried to get away from Can.

"You have heard, huh..? You bastard, I've noticed you and your eager way to be near my wife whenever you could since you arrived here. Big mistake. Now, who had told you those shitty things, those lies, about Sanem? Why are you doing this? You better speak out, because if not, I will have a few words with the big boss, and you know what would happen then. Your choice, dickhead."

With that he increased the pressure on the guy's larynx, which made him squeal and nod in a frantically way. Can finally let go of him and watched how he sank down on the ground with his hands soothing his throat. Then Can grabbed his shirt at the neck and made him stand up.

"Speak, or let's go and see Mario, now. Which means you won't be able even to get a job as a street sweeper, much less as a cameraman in Italy."
Can spoke with a low voice and gritted teeth beside the guy's ear.

"I...I ran into that woman one evening not long ago, and we ended up in bed. I'm married and...she threatened me. If I wouldn't do this...she paid me as well and told me all kind of atrocities about your wife and what she wanted me to do to her; she wanted me to fuck her and make sure you would find out somehow, or even better if you caught us doing it..."


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