3. Rocky Can

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When Sanem came out from the Ladies room, she couldn't see 'Mr Softbeard' anywhere, so she went back to the table, where Yigit was waiting for her.

"Are you okey, Sanem?" he asked.
"Oh yes, only a crowded Ladies room", she replied with a smile. "Shall we eat?", she said, sat down and started to pick on the plates; they'd got all the tapas they ordered, with some warm breadroles and alioli, and she was hungry, really hungry!
Yigit smiled back, watching her picking on the plates, popping all kind of food into her mouth, tasting it, savouring it all. He had been having dinner with many women before, but Sanem...anyone could see she was definitely not a "detox-model", as she enjoyed every bit of the food, without counting calories! It was pure joy watching her eat.

They kept an "about-everything" conversation while eating, even if Yigit found her a bit...absent-minded during the meal. It had been a long day, and he knew she did not fancy being a model, not even for her own creams, so he thought she was maybe a bit tired.
He told her that at 11 pm the discopub in the basement started with its music, when the dining guests were finishing their meals, and most of them moved on downstairs, to get some more drinks and a dance or two.

They finished the dinner and decided to stay at the bar again, until they started up the discopub. Sanem asked for another glass of red wine, even if she had had enough already, but what the hell! she thought and sipped some more. Yigit left for the restroom, and she stood there alone, with her wine. Left alone by the bar there were men around her, glancing at her, even trying to touch her, getting into a conversation with her, but somehow she made them all understand she was taken. Taken by a man she didn't even know. Yet.

On the way to the restroom, Yigit ran into Can Divit; they greeted each other and chatted a bit. Yigit had been taking pics of Can several times due to their work, so they enjoyed catching up.
Can told Yigit he just got back from the States and that his brother Emre invited him out for the evening to have some fun together, and when Can asked Yigit about his evening, Yigit told him that he was the luckiest guy in the place, having the hottest and sweetest date ever seen. Can could see that Yigit was serious, and proud as well.

"Wow, that sounds like she's a model, is she? The perfect woman, right?", Can asked him.

"Well, she is for sure damn perfect in every way, but she is not a model!" Yigit replied.
"I mean, she looks like a model, but she doesn't act like one, as she is a businesswoman, with her own growing business", Yigit explained.
"Today she actually was the model for her own business, but she only accepted because her advertising manager told her to, and I was the lucky photographer", he said, with a dreamy look in his eyes.

He went on to the restroom, after promising Can to introduce him to his hot date later on.


It was about midnight and Sanem had been dancing with Yigit and really enjoyed the music and the atmosphere in the pub. She was having a good time, and it made her forget a bit about him; she felt bad towards Yigit, as she had been thinking about this man with his soft beard and so good looks during the dinner, but what could she do? She didn't want to think about him, but he had got under her skin and he made her feel unnerving. She wondered if he was still around, somewhere near her maybe, even if she couldn't feel any pull or other strange feeling inside her.

She tried to clear her head and to stop thinking about him, but Yigit had ordered her another glass of wine and she sipped at it, hanging at the bar with him, laughing at his a bit silly jokes. Suddenly Yigit stood up and waved his arm at someone, and he told her he wanted to introduce her to a friend of his. Sanem could feel someone behind her, so she put her glass down at the bar and turned around.

"Can, I introduce you to my very beautiful...eeeh,...friend, Sanem; Sanem, this is Can, we know each other since a few years ago, due to work".

Both of them stared at the other, but then acted like they saw each other for the very first time.
Can drilled his gaze into Sanem and said "So, you are Sanem, the businesswoman Yigit told me about before, right?"

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