50. "Just shut the f**k up!"

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Sanem was pensive. Since she arrived about an hour ago, when Can had dropped her off after their so incredible hot lovemaking in that vintage shop, she had been pensive and in her own little world. She felt a bit...overwhelmed. Again. There were many things going on and she felt like as she maybe couldn't keep up the pace. She got her worried face on and bit her lip.
She had sent the girls home after asking them to come in a bit earlier next morning for breakfast all together, only CeyCey was still around and at the moment attending to clients in the boutique, so she had started the inventory. They needed flowers, oils and possibly other ingredients, which she checked up and wrote down in her notebook.

She moved things around and cleaned the shelves, organized the beautiful coloured glass bottles with oils, smelled the dried flowers hanging all over and was still in her own particular world. She didn't notice CeyCey in the doorway.

"What are you thinking about so hard, Sanem? I can almost hear how your brain is cracking from over here," he said and smirked at her

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"What are you thinking about so hard, Sanem? I can almost hear how your brain is cracking from over here," he said and smirked at her.
She turned around and looked at her so dear friend, walked over to the work bench and sat down at one of the stools. She made a gesture to make him come and sit with her. He narrowed his eyes at her.

"How about a big and nice capuccino from 'The Coffee Spot', huh? I think we need that, together with a chat, right?"

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"How about a big and nice capuccino from 'The Coffee Spot', huh? I think we need that, together with a chat, right?"

Sanem smiled at him and nodded.

"CeyCey, if you go for the capuccinos, I keep an eye on the boutique, okey?"

He was already out of sight and she heard the doorbell as he left.
Half minute later she heard it again and walked out to the front.
She froze when she saw Yigit standing across from her at the other side of the desk. She wondered what he wanted this time and if he had been outside, waiting for her to get alone. She tilted her head at him.

"Yigit? What are you doing here? I thought I asked you to stay away."

He looked down before he looked up at her and answered her.

"You did, but...it seems I can't stay away," he said and chuckled a bit. Then he got serious again.

"Sanem, I wanted to ask you for an apologize. My words at the Festival were out of place, and my behaviour lately as well. It's just...well, I...I care about you and I know that Can..." She interrupted him.

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