76. İki küçük aslan

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Dear readers, many thanks to all of you who has voted on chapter 75; to you that always vote, no matter what, and to you who normally don't. Whenever you want to vote...do so, please, as it costs nothing and it encourages a non-author like me to keep writing. And you to keep reading.😏


"Now, let's talk LA, but just another little thing first."

Sanem leaned in and rubbed her nose with his.

"Happy new year, love!"

She was right, it was New year's day today and he had forgotten! He met eyes with her before he hugged her hard and then leaned his forehead against hers.

"Happy new year, hayatım."

He made her stand up in front of him, pulled the zipper on her one piece down and got his face on her belly. He caressed it with his lips and made her giggle when he tickled it all over with his beard. He placed two kisses nearby her belly button before he pulled the zipper up again. He held on to her waist and pressed her against him. Then he leaned his head backwards to be able to look at her.

"How about some nice breakfast, bebek? Bacon, scrambled eggs, toasts, some fresh tomatoes, capuccino

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"How about some nice breakfast, bebek? Bacon, scrambled eggs, toasts, some fresh tomatoes, capuccino..? I'm starving, so let's discuss LA while we eat."

He let go of her, got up from the chair and dragged her with him to the kitchen area. As she just stood there with her arms crossed, he went over to her and smacked her ass with one of his big hands. Ouch! She glared at him but he only shrugged.

"Move, honey, do something. Have you done your morning test? Yes? And..? Okey? Well, then let's make some breakfast, come on!"

And they did. They helped each other, even if it was Can who fixed the eggs and bacon while Sanem made their capuccinos and toasts. There were only four cherry tomatoes left, so Sanem wrote it down on the bottom of her shopping list which hung on the fridge door. She had to go tomorrow, there were things missing. When she finally sat down at the table, Can brought the plates over and put them down in front of her. Sanem's taste buds reacted and made her grab her fork and dig in on the food. Mmm. To Can it was a pleasure to watch her, like always, and he grinned when he thought about how for sure their babies would appreciate mummy being such a guzzler..! And as long as she was, with mostly proteins and fibers and just a tiny bit of carbohydrates...it was great. He sometimes worried for her; she was so petite and as they had managed to make two babies, who would grow inside of his so petite wife and who had to, somehow, come out of her...it worried him. Dr Kaplan had explained to them that in many twin pregnancies it was necessary to program a cesarean section in week 36 or 37, due to if the babies grew too much, or too less, or to severe distension of the uterus. Or if the mother just wasn't strong enough to carry her children to the end. Can knew his wife was a strong woman, but still...petite. He sighed out quietly, tried to relax and to enjoy the breakfast.

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