24. The future Mrs Can Divit (?)

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Can sat in a comfortable armchair in front of the interviewer, journalist or whatever she was. She had offered him something to drink and he asked for some cold water. The glass stood on the table between them and he had had a couple of sips. The woman was his age, maybe a few years older, was not bad looking but far too obvious when she tried to impress him; her tits were on their way out of the top she was wearing, she smiled at him, bit her lower lip, crossed her legs and then changed them back and forward as to show off what she had in between them, but Can didn't have time for her shit.

"Eh...excuse me, but can we get started, please? I have other plans afterwards and it's getting a bit late. If you still want some pictures before I leave, we should...", he said quite frankly to the woman and gestured with his hands to make her understand he was serious. He could see how she blushed and tried to recover. She sat up in her armchair, cleared her throat a few times and had some water. And she stopped changing her crossed legs. Smart girl, Can thought and held a small smile back. She explained to him that she would record the whole interview with a small tape recorder, or maybe it was a bit more modern than a tape recorder, but he didn't care, he just nodded to agree to it.
She pressed a button on the recorder and started with her questions. First she asked about EK, the turkish serie that had made him and his co-actress Demet internationally famous all over the world last year, and due to his role in EK he was now nominated to Best Actor on Istanbul Film Festival in July and she wanted to know how he felt about that. She asked about the relation between him and the other actors, about the chemistry between him and Demet, if he would like to work with her again and if they remained friends. He answered her the best he could and yes, of course he and Demet were still friends and would always be, he stated.
Then she asked him about his movie in the States; how it felt to act side by side with Brad Pitt, such a worldwidely famous actor and what the movie was all about. Again he did his best to give her satisfying answers and even told her he thought the release of the movie would be before the end of the year.
The last question about work was if he had any new project coming up and he told her that his agent was looking into a few of them, yes.

"Can, we wish you the best in your career" she said with a smile. "Let's move on to your private life; how does it feel to be one of Turkey's most desired batchelors?" She watched him intensely. Can passed a hand over his beard and looked back at her.

"Well, I don't know, as I'm not on the market anymore." He could see how her jaw fell down and how she got an unbelieving look on her face. She looked down into her papers and then back on him.

"I...sorry, but until just 2 days ago you seemed to be very much on the market, if we have in mind the pictures of you..?" She had a confused face on.

"You shouldn't believe everything you see on social media, should you?" Can asked her with irony. "That's why I want to give you the exclusivity about my private life, but only if you tell the real story, nothing made up. If you promise that, I will tell you, if not...then we're almost done here." He looked at her with a questioning face.

"Eeh...mm, yeah, of course! I give you my word, only what you tell me will be printed, no need to make things up, right?" She laughed a fake laugh meanwhile her brain was on high speed. "With your permission, I need to have a word with the magazine's management, okey?" He wondered why she asked for permission, as she already was on her way towards the door, but whatever.

2 minutes later she was back, sat down in her chair and looked at him.

"Great, Can, I just had to check, as we all presumed you were still on the...well, on the market" she said and laughed in that fake way again.

"So, tell me, who is the lucky girl, who had captured Can Divit's heart, huh?"

She could see how he got a bit lost in his thoughts, how he got a dreamy expression and a 'I'm so in love'-smile on his face. Wow, she thought, this is for real, he is in love! She was surprised but happy for him; it couldn't always be easy to be famous like him and seen like a womanizer all the time. He probably had a heart like everybody else, so yes, she decided she was happy for him. No chance for herself as he was already taken, so why not..?

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