70. Made Monday the 30th

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"Pregnant..? But...how..?"

Sanem stuttered and turned her wide open eyes towards Can. He looked just as astonished as she supposed she did herself. Then she could see how his face transformed, how that astonished expression slowly changed into...into the wolfiest grin she had ever seen on his so beautiful face.

And tears

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And tears. She saw how his eyes got filled with tears and how...oooh. He got up from the chair, grabbed her and lifted her while he squeezed her in his arms and held on to her like never before. When she finally was able to look at him, she held his cheeks in her hands and leaned in and kissed his tears away. He sobbed quietly but couldn't stop grinning. He put her down with care and kissed her softly, still with his grin on. He helped her sit down in the chair again and turned his face towards the doctor.

"I'm sorr...well, no, I am not sorry! I'm actually the happiest man in this fucking world, and I won't be sorry about it!"

Can was so frantic that he had to lean back in the chair, close his eyes and breathe for a while. When he opened up his eyes again, his grin was back on his face. He just couldn't avoid it. He cleared his voice, grabbed his wife's hand and got back to the doctor.

"Please, go on, Dr Kaplan." He tried to be serious, but...that grin of happiness was stuck on his face.

"Sanem, would you mind to get examined by the gynecologist here at the clinic? Or do you have one already?"

Dr Kaplan looked at her with raised eyebrows. Sanem looked back at him.

"Hmm...well, I do, but... can I be treated here? I mean, I suppose we need to get this...gestational diabetes under control as soon as possible, right? I only want the baby to be okey."

Sanem was still in chock, but her thoughts were already about to keep the baby safe. Can's baby. Their baby. Reality slowly started to get to her, and suddenly she could feel peace and a new kind of happiness build up inside her. Mummy. She would be a mum in about...8, 9 months? She turned her eyes towards Can and his wolfy grin, bit her lip but still couldn't hide her own broad smile away from him. He leaned in and got his forehead against hers, locked eyes with her and sighed deeply.

They left the clinic hand in hand an hour later, with papers, diets, instructions, a sensor...and an appointment for an ultrasound in 8 days time. Both were quiet and when they reached the truck, they looked at each other and Sanem walked into Can's arms. They just stood there and hugged for a while, until he let go of her and slapped her ass.

"Come on, mummy, we're off to the supermarket!"


"You are...5, maybe 6 weeks pregnant, Mrs Divit. You were on the pills you said..? Do you have any clue about how you could get pregnant? Did you forget to take a pill or two..? Any vomits..? Diarrhea maybe?"

The gynecologist was making a vaginal ultrasound, moving that 'thing' inside her. It was a she, a female gynecologist, Dr Kaya, and that was a relief to Sanem. Now she pressed different buttons on the device and seemed to measure the fetus and got a wrinkle between her eyebrows. Sanem saw it all and got worried. Can was by her side and squeezed her hand to calm her down.

EK:...Love at first sight, they just didn't know itWhere stories live. Discover now