60. Bushy, smutty & defeated

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Can was...cheerful. For the first time since he met Sanem, he hadn't been jealous of any man near her. That felt good. They had arrived at 'La Taverna' a few minutes ago and they all stood at the bar, waiting for their table to get ready.

 They had arrived at 'La Taverna' a few minutes ago and they all stood at the bar, waiting for their table to get ready

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He relived the moment when their guests arrived earlier at home, and felt proud of himself. He had done what she had asked him to do; give them a chance. So when he gave Metin a quick hug and greeted Ed and that hot William, he got surprised about how cool he kept himself, especially with the three of them hugging Sanem dearly in front of him, telling her how gorgeous she was. His 'male radar', which had been on high speed, didn't detect anything at all, so he smiled broadly at both of them, shook hands and showed them the way to the livingroom. He proudly introduced his dad and brother and noticed how excited Emre got. He looked like a 7 years old who just had tried icecream for the first time in his life. Can couldn't really believe it either, that this so famous singer actually was about to have a seat on his sofa. Sanem's sofa. Their sofa. Whatever. He asked them what they wanted to drink, and noticed how they followed him into the kitchen area. Ed looked around and to Can it seemed he liked what he saw. Will whistled out a 'wow' and nodded.

"This place is incredible, Can. Yours?" It was Will who asked. He pulled out two of the stools from underneath the kitchen island and had a seat on one of them while he waited for Can to answer him.

"Nope, it's Sanem's. It has been in her family for a long time and was left to her by will. Her grandparents. It's fantastic! You should see the sunbeams coming through the windows in the mornings..! And no one can see us from the outside, we can actually..." He blushed when he realized what he was about to tell them, shrugged apologizely with a shy smile and saw how the two men laughed at him.
Can nodded and made a movement with his hand towards the windows before he got back to the drinks. He happily poured them some whiskey and told them to grab some snacks. The island countertop was full of bowls and plates with all kind of different lighter appetizers and bottles. He sipped on his drink and let his eyes wander until they found her. She was by the door receiving the rest of their guests, and suddenly she turned her head and met eyes with him.

He got hot all over when she gazed at him like that

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He got hot all over when she gazed at him like that. Then she bit her lip and eye-flirted with him once. Damn her! He smiled and quickly blinked back to her, before he turned around and got into the conversation again.

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