52. Tiny but arousing buttons

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Mirhiban popped in later that afternoon. They decided on a capuccino before they were off to check that place up, and Sanem got surprised when she saw Bulut and Sinan show up where they sat in the garden. The young boy stood behind Bulut, clearly shy in front of the women and he stared at his feet. Sanem asked them if they wanted some coffee or capuccino, water, maybe a soft drink? They both declined the drink, but Bulut said that they would love to go with them to check that shelter place up. He raised his eyebrows at Can and Sanem. Can didn't hesitate and said yes, of course. He looked at Sinan and got a thoughtful face on.

"Sinan, do you like animals?"

Can sipped on his almost already lukewarm capuccino when he got surprised by the change of expression on the boy's face when he asked him that. He lit up like a light-bulb and showed off a small but breathtaking smile, which completely changed his so serious face.

 He lit up like a light-bulb and showed off a small but breathtaking smile, which completely changed his so serious face

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"I love animals! They love you just the way you are and never ask for anything in return, they just want love. If I'll ever get the chance to study, I'd study anything that has to do with them." Then he got quiet and looked embarrassed, as if he thought he had said far too much.
Can gazed at him and then he leaned forward where he sat.

"We'll need you at the shelter from the very beginning, Sinan, and if you want to study, you'll study. You have my word on that, but we'll make decisions when the time comes, okey?"

Can met the boy's eyes for a second and they blinked at each other. With that they had already sealed a special bond between them, and Can felt good. When he met Sanem's eyes he could see how happy she was too, as her grin reached from one ear to the other.

Then they all got inside Can's truck and he drove off. Mirhiban showed him the way to the last place they all put their hope to. Crossed fingers it would fit for a shelter. It took them about 10 minutes to get there, a bit further away than the 'cream barn'.
Can parked the truck in the courtyard and they all stepped out. Wow. Sanem held on to Mirhiban's arm when she stared at the surroundings. How beautiful and peaceful it was, this small farm. She bit her lip and smiled at the same time, squeezed her friend's arm in excitement and finally asked her to show them around.
Mirhiban smiled back at Sanem, held on to her grip and dragged her further on.

"Come on, bebek, let's have a look!"

So off they went towards the big, red barn. Bulut and Can got the a bit stiff sliding barn doors opened up and they all walked inside. It was quiet. And dusty. They could see the dust swirl around in the sunbeams coming through the windows. Dusty but great. The barn was in a very good shape and Mirhiban told them it was built not so many years ago, by the sons of the last tenant. They'd finished it and soon after, their dad passed away in a heart attack. So they took their mother and moved on to a smaller place.

 So they took their mother and moved on to a smaller place

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