39. Miss Talk Dirty

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Can was busy the next two days. He decided to clear out his wardrobe as he had far too much clothes in it, even things that didn't fit him any more. He knew there were people and families in need, so he packed it all up and drove it to the nuns in one of the churches not far from his future ex-home. A couple of suitcases with his clothes and everything else in boxes, like shoes, accessories, rings, scarfs and toiletries of all kind, he loaded on his pickup and drove off to San...no, to their future common home. Future..? No. To their common home from today, Can thought and smiled. He speeded up when he got to the highway, impatient to see his two-legged heaven again. His butterflies inside ran around for a bit when he thought about her parents and how they had accepted him and how they had given them their blessing to get married. He got his wolfy grin on when he thought about it, and he was already planning when, how and where... He had placed her ring in a safe place, and he was more than impatient to put it on her finger.

He pulled up just outside the boutique; he wasn't allowed to park there, but yes, to load and unload he could be there for 10 minutes. He ran inside and went behind the desk to the workshop. Like always he almost scared the shit out of CeyCey who needed a moment to recover, and then agreed to help Can unload his pickup. Can greeted the girls but didn't see Sanem. She must be upstairs. When CeyCey saw the suitcases and boxes he turned to Can with wonder on his face.

 When CeyCey saw the suitcases and boxes he turned to Can with wonder on his face

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"She didn't tell you, did she?" he asked the little man and grinned. CeyCey replied with a shake on his head.

"I'm moving in with her today, and as soon as we've got my stuff up to her flat, I'll go and see Metin to get some help to find a good real estate agent. I want to sell my house as soon as possible." Can finished talking and grabbed the suitcases. CeyCey lifted two boxes and walked after Can into the building.

"Can Bey!" he exclaimed inside. Can stopped and actually turned around towards CeyCey with the suitcases.

"CeyCey, we are friends, stop calling me Bey, please! I'm just Can, okey?" Can rolled his eyes at the small moustache-man and made him blush.

"Eeh...sorry, Can, I...well, I have a cousin who works in one of the biggest real estate agencies of Istanbul, if you want his number, well..." he didn't finish the sentence as no need for it and shrugged at Can.

"Really, CeyCey? That would be great, I really appreciate it, please!" Can put the cases down and got over to him. He looked around and leaned in towards him.

"And I need Bulut's and Mirhiban's numbers, as I think I'll need their help a bit, do you have their numbers as well?" Can was talking in almost a whispering voice. CeyCey looked around before he got back to Can and just nodded.

"And yes, that is a surprise for my flowergirl, we need to keep it a secret," Can whispered to CeyCey and blinked an eye at him before he grabbed the suitcases again and walked over to the stairway. The stairs were a bit narrow, so he had to put one suitcase in front of him and the other behind to fit in. He reached the door and knocked before he opened it. He got inside the hallway and put the cases down. He searched for her with just a little bit of a desperate look in his eyes as he walked towards the kitchen. Some music was playing quite loud in the background and he found her dancing around in the kitchen. The kettle was on and she got tea glasses out for them and she was the loveliest sight he could ever lay his eyes on. He felt the butterflies rave around inside him and he wondered if he could be any happier than this. He really doubt it, but thinking about that he was going to spend the rest of his life with her, get engaged, marry her and get her as pregnant as possible...he was sure he would get even happier, despite he couldn't believe it at this very moment. The first two things were about to happen very soon, but...he wanted her to himself before he wanted them to get babies. That was the future, even if he would love to see and feel her pregnant...and to get her there. He wanted to practice that every day, "how to get your woman pregnant." He bit his lip when he thought about the present and about their future, and smiled at her when she finally noticed him standing there. She got her breathtaking and pantdropping smile on and came dancing towards him. She was gorgeous in her blue t-shirt, pink Balenciaga-peaked cap and a pair of white, very short tights.

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