32. "Get ready. Just get ready."

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Can ordered some lunch from Room service. It was already early afternoon and Sanem was starving. The photoshoots with both of them went well, but took time. They quickly showered together and had their lunch. Sanem jawned when Can hugged her from behind, pressing his hard on into her back. She gave him a sleepy smile.

"Can...I need a nap. If not, I won't be able to go with you this evening."

The private dinner with Dior was planned downstairs in one of the smaller diningrooms at 8:30 pm, so they did have time for a nap. And something more if Can could decide.

"You nap and I...I won't bother you. Almost." Can whispered in her ear and couldn't keep his hands off her. He pushed her towards the bed and she slipped in between the sheets, after she dropped the towel on the floor. They even had their lunch in just towels, and how was he supposed to resist..?

He put the alarm at  6 pm before he slipped in beside her. Again he pressed himself into her soft body and he heard her moan. She moved a bit and got on her front. He pulled off the sheet and got her behind in sight. She moved again, raised her ass a bit up in the air and buried her head between the pillows. Then again she raised her ass up in the air and parted her legs a little. Can watched her astonished and couldn't believe how lucky he was. She was half asleep but still invited him to take her. He leaned down and kissed the soft skin of her spine, all the way from her neck to her sweet ass. He could hear her moan again when he reached her buttocks. He kissed them and massaged them with his hands, with the purpose to relax her body. When he leaned back he could see her glistening sex between her legs and when she lifted it up towards him once again...his little soldier was so eager to please her and Can raised and got upon her with his dick ready. He slid inside her easily. He groaned quietly and so did she. He moved smooth and slowly inside her, in...out....in...out. He stopped with only his tip inside. She moved impatiently to make him go on and made a sound like a young girl who didn't get what she wanted when she wanted. He smiled when he heard her and thrusted himself inside her again. He kept going and could feel how she raised even more with each thrust. He stopped and she sobbed and tried to get her head out of the pillows. He put one hand on her back to keep her down and started to move again, slowly. He could hear her mumble something underneath the pillows and speeded up. She was so damn hot, even half asleep! He groaned and couldn't hold back. He found his release and withdrew in the last moment to be able to please her with his warm seed. At least some seed on her skin, as she didn't come. He grabbed his dick with his hand and squirted it out all over her ass. He finished with a smile and he noticed how her behind got into 'relaxed mode'.
He threw his exhausted body beside hers and glanced at the alarm clock. 4:30. They could sleep for one hour and a half. He planted a kiss on her shoulder, found her under the pillows and whispered in her ear,

"I owe you an orgasm, bebek."


Can was much quicker than her, so he went down to the bar in the lobby to meet up with Metin. He got there first and ordered himself a whiskey. Metin showed up a few minutes later and they stood there, hanging on the counter with their whiskeys, chatting. Metin looked around and suddenly got quiet. Can saw him gazing at something and how he got a small smile on his lips. He followed Metin's gaze.

 He followed Metin's gaze

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