77. "Mrs Divit, your sweet ass does 'things' to me"

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"Okey what? I didn't ask you anything, Can."

"Not with words, no, but with your mind you did. Sanem, I know you quite well already, and we both know about our mental connection, don't we, bebek? Many times there is no need for words."

They reached the street outside the hotel, still holding hands, and Can waved at an approaching cab. Then he glared at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"I will tell you how I got to know her when we get to the 'Walk of Fame'. But first we will walk, and then we will talk. Just have in mind that I have not been in bed with every woman that appears anywhere near me, tamam, Sanem?"

Now she was grumpy and turned her face the other way.

"No need for a bed to fuck them..." she mumbled and bit her lip. She hated this feeling, but she couldn't help it. She was jealous. Yeah. Pregnant, grumpy and jealous.

"Pardon me? Did you say something, Sanem..?"

Can had heard her mumble, but he hadn't heard exactly what she had mumbled, and he was sure it had been something

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Can had heard her mumble, but he hadn't heard exactly what she had mumbled, and he was sure it had been something...more than sarcastic. He squeezed her hand and got her into the cab that had stopped beside them a moment ago, sat down beside her in the backseat and told the driver where to go.

Sanem was still in a bad mood, but it slowly ran off her during the drive to downtown. She was amazed with everything around them, everything they passed by, even if it was nothing special. It was different from back home. USA, California, LA...no, it was definitely not like Istanbul, Turkey..! And the people. They showed off their feelings everywhere! Walked hand in hand, or the man with an arm on the woman's shoulders, they kissed in the street corners, argued on the sidewalks and she even saw some youngsters who were...hmm...let's say 'very into each other' on a bench! In broad daylight! It was awesome and she wished that the turkish people could be a little bit more like the americans, except with what maybe was about to happen on that bench though...anyway, she loved their freedom, and she was almost sure that religion had to do with it. In Italia it had been almost the same, where most people were catholics, and the States...it was a huge part of the world and she assumed there were all kind of religions, just like there were all kind of people. In Turkey most of them were muslims, and Islam's rules were much stricter than most other religions rules. She wasn't into it at all, and preferred not to even think about it. She squeezed Can's hand and turned her head to look at him. She caught him gazing at her with his eyes half closed and with a small smile playing in the corners of his mouth.

"What, Can?" She tilted her head at him and got serious.

"You are so stunningly beautiful and so amazing in every way, Sanem. I adore you and I can't get enough of you. And no, I do not say this just to try to get you out of that bad mood, I would have said it anyway. You are my whole world and you know it."

He shrugged and waited. Yes, there they were; Sanem's fingers in his beard and her a bit pouty lips were on his, in a soft kiss. He growled deep inside and pushed his own fingers into the silky hair at her neck, to keep her still when he deepened their kiss. He met her warm and wet tongue with his, and oh my, could she kiss! Enough with that soft, poking tongue to...gosh, he didn't want to, but he better stop it now! He bit her lip before he pulled away, leaned his forehead against hers and made them meet eyes.

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