28. Yet to-be

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Somewhere in Suiza/Switzerland

She sat in front of her computer and had just paid to open up the interview. She leaned forward when she scrolled to get to the pictures. Nice. He looked good. Handsome, rich and famous. She admitted she had made a big mistake by leaving Can behind so many years ago, as nowadays for sure he would have given her a lot higher status in Turkey being an actor and model. They hadn't talked the last few years and she knew he didn't want to have anything to do with her, but...maybe she should give it a try? She really didn't have anything to lose, so why not? She would love to be seen as 'the mother of '. She read it all from the beginning and got surprised when she clearly could understand that Can was in love. Can, in love? Ha! She almost burst into laughter, but...wait a minute. He seemed to be serious, otherwise he wouldn't talk like that about this...Sanem. And he wouldn't let the whole world know that he wants to marry her either, would he if he wasn't serious? She frowned. She thought he was still with this girl...Polen, why hadn't Emre updated her on that? She hadn't heard from Emre since...last month, was it? She frowned again, why was that? She never called, as it was a son's duty to keep in touch with his mom, wasn't it? An old friend of hers in Istanbul had sent her a message this morning, telling her that her oldest son was on the frontpage of 'Alem'. If it wasn't for her she would never had got to know, for sure. Or at least not when it still was fresh.

Still in front of the computer, she started to plan a trip to Turkey in her head, with an evil little smirk on her lips.


It was Sunday evening and Can laid on the sofa with Sanem on his chest. They were watching a movie, 'Legends of the Fall' with his now 'colleague' Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins, and Can enjoyed it. He had seen it many times, as it was tremendously good and Brad Pitt was, is, as tremendous as the movie itself.
He combed her soft hair with his fingers, as he had been doing the last half an hour. He loved to feel it between his fingers, and she clearly enjoyed it. He suspected she had fallen asleep, as her breathing was slow and she was quiet, two things that made him think that she was taking a nap.

It had been a great weekend. Lots of lovemaking and a lot of laughs, sun, nice food and time with friends. Friday evening Sanem called Bulut and invited him over for dinner and they spent hours together. He explained his plans about the creams to Can and Can leaned over and kissed Sanem and bit her fingers when Bulut let him know that he already knew that Sanem would travel with Can if needed. He got his wolf grin on for a second, but got back to Bulut again.

Meanwhile, Sanem called Mirhiban and asked her if she had plans for the next evening. Can wanted to grill some meat and he also wanted to get to know her, and she accepted the invitation, just like Bulut did. When she sat there watching the two men chat, she realized Can hadn't met her best friend Ayhan and Sanem's other 'postiche' brother Osman yet. So many things they didn't know about each other and persons in the other's life they didn't know, she thought. She went and sat on the steps outside and called Ayhan. Her friend squealed when Sanem asked if they could come on their bbq, and she was sure Osman wouldn't say no either as he was eager to 'inspect closely' the man who had put a spell on Sanem. As the weather was warm and sunny, hopefully tomorrow as well, they decided they should come early afternoon, get some snacks and go down to the beach for a swim. After that they would get the grill ready, make some salad, have a few drinks...
When she hung up the phone she suddenly got an idea. She looked over her shoulder; the men were still deep in conversation, so she strolled in, interrupted them and asked Can if she could use his phone for a moment. He looked at her, unblocked it and gave it to her. Well that was easy. She strolled back out and sat down again, while she searched his contacts. E. No. Then where..? B. Brother. She found it and pressed the call button.

"What's up, bro? Did you find what you wanted for her, huh?" Emre asked with a little laugh.

"Eeeh...Emre, it's me, Sanem." She smiled when she heard his low "shit" on the other end.
Then he gathered himself and cleared his throat.

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