33. Pure & utterly Sanem

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Just outside the diningroom entrance there was a small board with the six round tables prepared for them, and where they could check up at which table they were seated. Sanem saw that she, Can and Metin were seated at table number 1, with her new friend Cristiano and another two ladies. She mentioned Cristiano to Can, who didn't look so pleased as she did, though. But Can knew she didn't have a clue who Ronaldo was and that made him smile and remember how sweet and innocent she really was.

 But Can knew she didn't have a clue who Ronaldo was and that made him smile and remember how sweet and innocent she really was

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When they got to the table they realised Sanem's namesign wasn't where it was supposed to be. In her place the sign said...right. Dilemma. Sanem couldn't believe what the barbie had done to get close to Can! She looked at Can who told her to relax, there must be a mistake and...she interrupted him, leaned in and whispered in his ear.

"Can, I know who she is, okey? Metin told me when I asked him about her. Don't worry, let me deal with her in my way. Just follow me in anything I say or do, please."
She leaned back and they looked at each other. Then he nodded, gave her a kiss and whispered to her how much he loved her.

Sanem asked Metin to find her namesign and to get seated wherever it was. First he looked worried but she assured him that she would take care of the situation. She blinked at him and smiled. Metin relaxed, smiled and blinked back at her before he left.
Okey. When she turned back towards the table, the Barbie was already there. All over Can, who looked mortified. What a sneaky bitch she is, Sanem thought when she saw how she touched Can in a very inappropriate way and which clearly made him squirm. When she saw her hands disappear on his chest underneath the vest and how she leaned in towards his ear to whisper something, pushing her big boobs against him...Sanem got fuming mad. In that moment Can grabbed her arms and made her step back from him. About time, Can!
And it was time to show this twat who she was messing around with, Sanem thought. Let the show begin!

She approached Can, told him to take Metin's seat and he did. She sat down on Can's seat and when Cristiano arrived, Sanem stood up to greet him again, before he sat down on the other side of Barbie. Barbie told Sanem that she was in the wrong seat it seemed, as she was supposed to sit beside Can. She pointed at the namesigns with hers and Can's name on.
Sanem stared at her.

"Well, it seems a mistake has been done, as at the board by the entrance you can clearly see that I'm seated with my boyfriend, my agent Metin and with my friend Cristiano, and I frankly don't know how your namesign suddenly appeared on this table. I'm quite sure it was me, Can, Metin, Ronaldo, Petronella Bianco and Valentina Rosso, but we can go and check it up if you want to," she offered the barbie.

Sanem could see how embarrassed Barbie got, and as she knew she was caught, she laughed a fake laugh and said it was just fine. She put her hand on Sanem's arm for a moment like in confidence, but when she saw Sanem's stare at her, she quickly removed it.
Petronella and Valentina arrived and after the greetings they got seated. Sanem noticed how they glanced with horror at Barbie, as themselves were from some higher social class and were dressed in a proper way. Sanem thought she heard Valentina mumble a snarky comment, but wasn't sure.

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