21. The deceived Miss Sharky

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Sanem got a text from Can that he would pick her up at 6:45 in the evening. He wrote that the 'sharkwoman' had made the reservation at 7 o'clock in a place called 'Sen Benimsin' and he had used the laughing emoji at the end. She smiled when she read it and looked at her watch. It was only 5:30. She was downstairs working with the girls, and decided to go on for another half an hour. She only needed to have a quick shower, fresh up her make up and get dressed with what she called the 'business bitch' clothes again, even if she was going to put a bit longer skirt on than the one earlier.

She wondered what she looked like, this sharky woman they had to deal with this evening, so she checked her up on the web. CEO Sporty Com...okey, there you go, she thought when pictures of a 30 something years old redhead, not bad looking, popped up on her mobile screen. On most pictures she was wearing skirts or dresses in Polenstyle, so Sanem finally decided to put the same short skirt on again.

An hour later she was ready to go. She put some of her cream in her hands and massaged it in on her neck and shoulders. She put some on her thighs as well and suddenly got a naughty smile on her lips. She slipped out of her panties and put the high heels on. She looked at herself in the mirror. It made her feel hot to see herself like this; with nothing underneath her skirt and with these high heels on. Her face got a pink shade when her breathing increased due to her thoughts about if Can would appreciate her little surprise or not. She walked into the kitchen and got herself a glass of wine. She sipped on it and then she remembered. She went to the bedroom and opened up her jewelry cabinet. She scanned it and found what she was looking for; her grandmother's antique engagement ring. She inherited it together with a few other things, among those other things this whole place. It was from 1958, a flat wide ring in gold with only some finely chiseled engraving on the outside of it and the name of her grandfather and engagement date on the inside. She put in on her finger and told herself not to forget to ask Can if he wanted her to pretend to be his fiancee. She only wanted to surprise "Miss Sharky", not Can.

She stood by the windows with her wineglass in her hand, watching the people passing by down on the street when she suddenly could feel that pull inside her. 5 seconds later he hugged her from behind and put his face at her neck. He kissed her just underneath her ear and inhaled her scent. She turned around and did the same to him; he'd got his perfume she made for him on and she couldn't get enough of him. They held on to each other and rubbed their noses together before they kissed.
Then he took a step back, held on to her hands and looked at her.

"I didn't have a chance to tell you earlier, but you are so damn hot", Can said

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"I didn't have a chance to tell you earlier, but you are so damn hot", Can said. "You are always hot, but still, I have to admit that I prefer my flower power girl, who I fell in love with" he finished and kissed her again. She moaned quietly, as she already was aroused from her own thoughts and Can didn't cool her down at all. When he heard her moan, he kissed her even more eager and their tongues danced together. He grabbed her behind and pressed her against him and his hard manhood, still with his mouth on hers. When they finally parted, both were panting and Sanem put a hand on the front of his trousers. He growled quietly. She bit her bottom lip and got a teasing look on her face.

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