58. A slightly tipsy Sanem

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Sanem was having a really good time. The bottle of wine she almost had finished during the meal, had helped her relax and enjoy the company. Now lunch was nearly over, and they were about to go to Ed's suite, where they would get into more details.

When she arrived with Metin at The Four Seasons Hotel Istanbul a couple of hours earlier, she had been really nervous. They went to the restaurant overlooking the Bosphorus, where they were supposed to meet Ed and this William for lunch.

Again, Metin had a hand on her back to show her the way, and when they entered the outdoor space, he noticed how several men, and even some women, followed Sanem with their gazes when they walked between the tables

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Again, Metin had a hand on her back to show her the way, and when they entered the outdoor space, he noticed how several men, and even some women, followed Sanem with their gazes when they walked between the tables. It seemed that Sanem didn't notice it at all, and Metin felt certain pride to be the one walking with this gorgeous woman. He could understand Can and his severe jealousy when it came to Sanem and other men; if he had a fiancee like her, for sure he would feel and act just like him.

Metin spotted Ed at a more private and round table at the far end, near the edge of the sea, and that's where to he guided Sanem. When they got closer, Ed stood up and so did his friend. Both of them actually gawked at Sanem, who blushed but managed to fire off her pantdropping smile, which made the two men get a stupid smile on their faces. Then they came around the table to greet Sanem with kisses and to greet Metin with firm handshakes.

Sanem was still a bit shaky, even if she had been sitting at the table for more than 5 minutes already. But who wouldn't be shaky, huh? She was just about to have lunch with Ed Sheeran and this William! William that, by the way, didn't smell bad at all; she had noticed some fresh mint when he had kissed her on her cheeks, and some very nice after shave. She was almost sure it was 'Sauvage' by Dior, what a coincidence..! And he seemed to be extremely well educated, at least during the 7 minutes they had spent together until now at the table. As soon as they got seated, the waiter showed up and Ed asked her what she wanted to drink. He smiled at her and actually told her to relax; he wanted them all to have a good time, and if Sanem needed some nice wine to get there, well...she would definitely get some!

And they really did have a good time; they talked about everything, they laughed, they told funny stories...Metin was so pleased. It was important to him that she was okey, and that Ed cleary was... enthusiastic about her. And this guy William seemed to be great too; they both were 'down to earth', two famous but simple men with no need of any special attention due to fame.

Sanem got a bit mesmerized by Ed. He showed himself off as a sweet, funny and generous man, full of energy and good vibes and he made her relax. He explained to them that he had preordered their lunch as he wanted to surprise them, and when he gave the head waiter the sign, the food was brought to the table.
Sanem was really pleased when she laid eyes on several plates served as tapas, but with small country flags in holders on the edge of each plate. She saw two or three with the turkish flag of course, an italian one, chinese, american, spanish, indian...and even a swedish one! She squeaked a bit and put her hands together by excitement. Sanem had always wanted to visit Sweden; years ago on fb she had started a friendship with a swedish woman who now lived in the Canary Islands. She had showed Sanem such wonderful pictures, both from Sweden and the Canary Islands, which made her want to go there, especially to Sweden. And one day she would, but now at least she was about to try some original, swedish meatballs!

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