38. Family, love, food & some blessing. (And some sex on that damn rug..!)

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They arrived at her parents little cottage around 12:30. Can parked his pickup nearby what he supposed was the shed where they kept their chickens and climbed out. Wow. He was amazed about how beautiful the surroundings were, and how he almost could breathe in some peace.
Sanem watched him turn around slowly with a gawking smile on his face and with his hands on his hips. He finally reached her eyes with his and he shook his head at her.

 He finally reached her eyes with his and he shook his head at her

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"Sanem...this is...this is more than beautiful, it's perfection!" He reached out his hand towards her and she took it. He pulled her against him and kissed her on her cheek.

"Sanem! My love, my heart! Daughter, give me a hug!"

They turned around to the sound of Sanem's father's voice. Can let go of her and she rushed over to him. Can walked slowly behind her, as to give them some space and intimity. Father and daughter hugged each other and Nihat kissed her cheeks.

"Baba, are you okey? Mum told me you felt bad the other day." She frowned at him.

"Don't worry, Sanem, I'm okey, I just forgot my pill one day and that made my heart race! But I'm just fine. And how are you, my daughter? Busy as always?" He looked at her with love and care in his eyes. "Your Anne is coming, Aaanneee!" he shouted over his shoulder and then he got his eyes on a shy Can behind Sanem.

"Baba, I want you to meet Can, my...boyfriend. Can, this is my baba Nihat, Baba, this is Can." She made the typical presentation movement with her hand in front of them. Can took a step forward with a smile on his face and with his hand ready to greet the other man, but Nihat grabbed him, hugged him and patted his back with one of his hands. Then he took a step back and kept Can's shy gaze with his own and smiled.

"Can, welcome, son! We didn't know about you"; he looked at Sanem with an insinuating look, "but I'm glad that you are here so we can get to know you."

Then they heard a door slam and someone who squealed behind Nihat.

"Kız evlât, my love!" A smiling Mevkibe came towards them with a bright smile on her face. She embraced her daughter and Sanem held on to her for a while. Then her mother took a step back, grabbed Sanem's arms and got a serious face on.

 Then her mother took a step back, grabbed Sanem's arms and got a serious face on

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