10. He won't agree. And?

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It had been a night full of lovemaking, Sanem could just grin when she woke up, even if she actually felt quite sore. In a good way-sore. She put her arms above her head and stretched her body and then turned to watch him. Mr Amazing was still asleep, so she put her head in her hand and just laid there and admired him, top til toe. The most beautiful and sexiest "top til toe-thing" she'd ever seen, and he seemed to be hers. That was a nice thing to think of early in the morning, she thought, but then she realized they still had a pending conversation. She knew that Can wouldn't be interested at all as he had made her understand that he didn't want her near any man at all, but that couldn't include work, right? She frowned and told herself that Can couldn't be that...jealous? Possessive? Naaah, she denied it with a shake on her head.
Suddenly he moved, turned around and dragged her little body towards his. He got them spooning together and he nuzzled her neck underneath her hair. Sanem wasn't even used to share her bed, less spooning with someone like this, but she loved it. The feeling of him, the touch of his warm body against hers, his arms around her...he made her feel safe. And loved. She smiled, closed her eyes and just laid there for a while longer.

A couple of hours later Sanem was down in her "factory", making creams and perfumes with Leila and Güliz meanwhile CeyCey was redocorating a part of the boutique. Sanem liked to change it around a bit every once in a while, and as today she was buzy, CeyCey did his best.
He didn't hear Can coming downstairs, so when he turned around and got his eyes on him, he squealed and almost fainted at the spot. He put his hands over his heart and inhaled deeply.

"How you scared me, Mr Divit!" he said and then offered Can his hand.
"I'm Gengis, but everybody call me CeyCey, nice to meet you".

"Nice to meet you too, eh..CeyCey, and please call me Can", he replied and shook his hand.

"I'm Sanem's best friend and her best employee as well" he said with a grin on his face, looking a bit wicked. Then he got that..."look" in his eyes when he glanced at Can and said

"Sanem tells me everything you know, but e-ve-ry-thing" he stated nodding his head.

Can got a smile on his face.

"Good, then you already know she's mine? And where is my girl, is she here?" he then asked CeyCey. He knew he sounded cocky with that "she's mine"-thing, but even if he wasn't jelous at this little funny man, it was good to make it clear that Sanem was taken. If this CeyCey knew, maybe other males got to know as well, so crossed fingers.

"Yeah, she's back there", CeyCey said and showed him with his thumb over his shoulder. "Do you wanna come?"

Can nodded and followed him. He passed by under a kind of curtain which was put up for privacy between the boutique and the workshop. He came through and walked into a small one-of-a-kind world; the walls were full of shelves, pictures, lights, candles...and so many jars! Jars full of dried flowers; big, small, coloured, with lid and without...wow! And the smell in there! It was like to get thrown upon a spring meadow with thousands of different flowers.
Then he got his eyes on the most beautiful flower ever, his flower. She sat there at one of the benches in the middle, together with two other girls and the three of them were working hard with their hands. They talked and giggled and seemed to have a great time. He stared at her and suddenly he saw her stiffen. She could feel him like he felt her, he thought, and felt that pull inside him. That made him more comfortable, more sure about her.
She looked up and her eyes locked with his. Both smiled at the other, and then Sanem got off the chair and came towards him.

"Gunaydin, Can", she said, "come, I want to introduce you to the girls!" She grabbed his hand and led him over to them.

"Can, this is Leila, and here we have Güliz." Can gave them his hand and put on that pant-dropping smile of his, and well, both of them blushed and Sanem wondered which of them was about to drop her pants first. But! She understood how they felt, as he made her knees weak every time he put those dark and wanting eyes on her...she got goosebumps all over just thinking about it.

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