17. Chapter "B"; BBQ, Baba, Brother. And a Bony Brat

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Half an hour later Sanem was totally relaxed. She was so happy and so pleased to be part of this lovely evening, and this fantastic family. They were talking like if they had known each other for many years, they were laughing and telling stories from life and they all seemed to have a really great time.

When Can and Sanem went to open the door for their guests, she was standing shyly behind him, but when Can finished hugging them, he dragged her in front of him and said

"Dad, Emre, I want you to meet Sanem, the love of my life", and he looked at her with his glittering eyes. She flushed all over but smiled her breathtaking smile at them and Can could notice how his dad gasped a bit just before he took her hand, pulled her towards him and hugged her dearly.

"Dear Sanem, daughter, finally I get to know the woman who has captured my son's heart, and I must say that I do understand him", he finished saying when he released her and held on to her forearms

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"Dear Sanem, daughter, finally I get to know the woman who has captured my son's heart, and I must say that I do understand him", he finished saying when he released her and held on to her forearms. He looked at her and smiled and went on

"You are a real beauty on the outside, but as Can have told us that your inside is even more beautiful, yes, I do understand him", Aziz nodded at her and turned to Emre.
"Emre, have you seen such a natural beauty before, I bet you haven't!" he insisted and made Sanem blush even more. He let go of her to give Emre a chance to greet her. Emre gave her a shy hug and told her he had been looking forward to get to know her in person and that he was pleased his brother had found her.

They walked out to the pool and checked the garden and the grill. Sanem asked what they wanted to drink and left for the kitchen. Meanwhile Can watched her walking inside with that "so-in-love"smile on his face, his dad got serious in front of him.

"Can, don't you dare to fuck this relation up, do you hear me, son?" he said to Can in a low voice. He finally got Can's attention. "This girl has something very special, she is something, someone special, do you get it? What she makes you feel you only find once in a lifetime, if you are lucky. And you are a lucky bastard, I can tell!" Aziz finished and smiled at his son.

"Yeah, brother, I can only say the same, don't screw up, as she is so gorgeous and such a lovely girl", Emre shook his head. "You are a lucky bastard, really!" he laughed and hugged Can again.

Can felt euphoric and got that wolf grin on his face when he promised them that he wouldn't fuck up, got over to the grill and started to place meat on it.

Sanem came back with two cold beers for the guests, as she and Can still were having wine. She invited them to sit down at the table and they did. Aziz started to ask her things about her life, work, family and friends and they all got hooked up in the conversation. She answered his questions, as he seemed to be truly interested in the story of her life, and Emre showed interest too, so it was easy to talk.
When Can told her he almost got the first meat ready, she left for the kitchen again and Emre stood up and asked her if he could help her. Sanem told him yes, she could need a hand so he went after her. In the kitchen she gave him the bread and the salad, while she got another couple of cold beers and the plate with some fresh, salted goat cheese. Emre didn't move and Sanem looked up at him. It seemed like he wanted to say something, so she waited.

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