31. Look out, Milan!

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Can managed to open the door up with her in his arms, still with his mouth on hers. She held on to his neck and kissed him back in a fervent way. He shut the door with one of his feet, walked into the suite and put her down beside the bed. He grabbed her face with his hands and growled before he got his mouth back on hers. She put her hands on his cheeks and pulled his beard, moaned out loudly and let her tongue swirl around with his. He pulled down the zipper of her trouser suit and got it down to her feet. He tossed her on the king size bed, took of her shoes and pulled the trouser suit off. He stopped for a second to admire her laying there, breathless and with only her black lace underwear on. They locked eyes when he crawled upon her.

"You know, I've been thinking about this since this morning." He licked her on her neck and made her gasp.

"You've been teasing me all day, Sanem." He bit down on one of her earlobes and sucked it into his mouth and then bit down on it again. He could hear her sob and noticed how she moved underneath him.

"All I want is to be inside you, bebek. I want to feel you when you come and I want to hear you call out my name when you do so. I need you, Sanem."

Sanem cried out with desire and hugged him towards her. She moved her hips in a desperate way, looking for some kind of release. He slipped off her body and laid beside her and caressed her breasts and teased her nipples with his fingers before he moved on. They kissed each other with passion while his hand traveled down slowly towards her sex. It stopped at her bellybutton and he circulated it a few times before he went further on. When he got to the brim of her underwear, he slipped under it with his fingertips. Again she gasped and moaned, raised her throbbing sex to meet his fingers. He didn't move his hand, just held it there to get her more excited, more impatient. She trembled by excitement and he smiled at her, sucked on her lower lip when he finally moved on. His fingers reached her sex, found her swollen clitoris and went further down. Mmmm. He closed his eyes when he could feel how wet she was. He placed his middle finger at her entrance and pushed the tip inside her. So wet! He had to calm down a bit, because if not, he would come in his pants. He got some of her wetness up to her clit and started to massage it. Sanem had her eyes closed and made small sounds of pleasure and opened her legs up as far as she could. He was so excited that he thought that some part of his body would definitely burst; if not his dick, it would be his heart.

"Sanem, askim benim, I want to love you, but I won't last for long as you've got me on fire. Do you want me to make you come before?" he whispered to her.

Sanem opened her eyes and gazed at him.

"No way, sevgilim. Give me 5 seconds with you inside me and I will come for you."

He smiled at her, stood up and got rid of his clothes. When he crawled back upon her, she grabbed him and held on to him. Clearly she needed to feel him, skin to skin. He leaned down and kissed her when he got his dick in place. Knowing how wet she was, and how tight, the anticipation almost killed him. He got the tip inside her and he noticed her anticipation as well.

"Bebek...are you ready?" Can asked her.

She nodded while biting her lip, clung to him and held on to him with her arms and legs. Then she put one hand on her sex and let her fingers find her clitoris. She massaged it for a moment and noticed that she was more than ready to come. She kept her fingers there and nodded at Can again.

He slammed into her, all the way, in one go. She squealed out. He stopped and both of them whined by the pleasure. Then he started to move. Shit, he wouldn't last...mmmm, she was so tight! He closed his eyes, trying to last a bit longer, but his throbbing dick didn't want to. He speeded up and knew Sanem was about to come, and so was he.

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