7. Not once upon a time

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Can parked the car and went around to the passenger door and opened it. Still seated, he turned her towards him so he stood between her knees. He locked his gaze with hers, took her little face in his hands and leaned forward to kiss her. He hesitated a second, but then he slowly put his lips on hers.
She didn't kiss him back, not until he got her pouty lower lip between his, sucking it softly and making a track on it with his tongue.
When he finished the kiss she had a needy look on her face, with her mouth still a bit open.

"I'm Can Divit, nice to meet you. Are you hungry?" he asked her.

"Hi, I'm Sanem Aydin and yes, I'm hungry", she answered. "For food as well", she added and watched him throw his head back, laughing.
He took her hands, pulled her out and closed the car.

"Well, I can only help you with the food, Sanem. At the moment." He blinked his right eye at her and they went off towards the coast, both laughing.

They got to an informal restaurant with a big terrace on the outside, just at the coastline but a bit a part from the other restaurants. The sun was shining from the blue sky, so they sat down at a table with a big parasol.

"This is my favorite place, have you been before?", Can asked her.

"No, I haven't been, but it's beautiful here!" She had a smile on her face when she looked around.

"Yeah, very beautiful", he replied, looking at her.

"Even if I thought a famous actor wouldn't eat on a place like this though", she said and  wrinkled her nose, still with that smile on her face, teasing him.

"You will be surprised, positively surprised, when you get to know me better", he said, pointing at her with his index finger.

Her smile started to fade away as she tilted her head to one side. She kept quiet, watching him just like he was watching her.

"Can"...she got interrupted as a young waitress showed up. She welcomed them, offered to bring them something to drink and suddenly started to blush. Her command block fell to the floor when she stared at Can and she squeezed the pen in her hand.
Sanem felt sorry for the poor girl, so she picked the block up and gave it to her. When the girl said thank you, Sanem couldn't keep quiet;

"Don't worry, I feel just the same when I look at him, welcome to the club! Come on, Can, offer her a selfie, or I can take the picture for you!"

The girl looked like she was on her way to faint, but Sanem grabbed her arm and held her steady. She calmed down and got her mobile phone out of her back pocket, gave it to Sanem and got close to Can, who had got up from his seat and was ready for the picture.
Her tear-filled eyes glittered when Can put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her towards him, as Sanem took several photos of them. She was so thankful towards both Can and Sanem and asked for an apologize for her behavior.
She walked off but came straight back, as she forgot to make a note about their drinks. Can and Sanem laughed about it and the girl seemed relieved. They ordered and she promised to be back in a minute and went off with a smile.
Back watching each other after the interruption, Sanem said

"Can...what do you want from me? What are we doing?" Sanem looked puzzled when she asked him that with a low voice.

He just sat there for a long while, keeping her stare locked with his. His eyes slowly went all over her, then he leaned over the table and took her right hand in his and lifted it to his mouth. He bit her ringfinger, nibbled her fingertips, turned her hand around and kissed her palm. With closed eyes he put his bearded cheek in it and stroke himself against it. He had never been keen of people touching him, unless maybe his very closest family, but ex girlfriends, friends and fans...no. But with Sanem it was so different. He knew they got to know each other yesterday, but he had never felt like this before, this need and desire to touch her all the time, to feel her against his skin, against his body, to get touched by her...this need for her was going to drive him crazy as he knew this day would end, and here he was, without knowing what was going to happen tomorrow. He sighed deeply and looked at her.

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