23. Can's everything

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His phone was set on silence, but the vibrations against the top of the nightstand woke him up. He was face down in bed with his head somewhere between the pillows, but he reached out and after a moment he got hold of it. He opened one eye to check the screen and saw that it was Metin.

"What?" he snapped when he had managed to press the green button.

"Yeah, I love you too, Can, good morning," Metin said and laughed. "Did you have another late night yesterday, not enough with Sunday evening, you fucker?" Metin was pissed with him after he'd seen those pics on social media yesterday; he didn't give a shit about if Can wanted to fuck his dick off, but to do that to Sanem...Can was absolutely not on top of Metin's "Most Fancy-list" right now.

"Between whose legs did you fall a sleep last night? If you don't mind me asking, of course", Metin asked him with a very sarcastic tone.

"Shut the fuck up, don't you have anything better to say? You called me early in the morning to ask me that, huh?" Now Can was pissed as well. He sat up half way in the bed and touched Sanem on her shoulder to wake her up. She was on her front just like he had been and turned her head towards him. He couldn't see her face as her hair was draped over it, so he tried to comb it backwards with his fingers.

"Mmmmmm....what's up, Can?" she whispered to him.

"Sorry to wake you up, bebek, but there is an important call for you, can you take it? Some jerk who needs to confirm something, do you mind..?" He waved with the phone towards her. She looked at him with a sleepy and suspicious gaze and took it.

"Hello, Sanem speaking, who is it?" Her voice was a bit hoarse and she tried to stop herself from yawn out loud.

"Sanem? Is that really you? How are you?" Metin was very surprised and quite amazed.

"Metin? Hi there, good to hear from you, what's up? Anything new about the dance or Şükrü?" Again she tried to stop another yawn with her hand. "Sorry Metin, but you caught us in bed, what time is it?"

"Almost 9.30 am, don't you have things to do today, sweet lady?" he asked her and smiled when he heard her trying not to yawn.
"Can I get the grumpy bastard back on the phone, please, as I called to talk to him; I would never call you this 'early' a Tuesday morning, ever", he stated to her with a joyful voice.

Sanem laughed at Metin, blew him a kiss and gave the phone back to Can.
Can took the phone and put it back to his ear.

"Happy now, Metin, when you know that I slept between Sanem's legs last night, the two and only legs I will ever sleep between, okey? Do you want any other information, brother, or are you gonna tell me why the hell you called me in the first place? Lütfen, Metin." Can laid back in the bed and saw Sanem walk off to the bathroom, all naked. That was really something to wake up to, a naked Sanem, and his dick agreed.
He was just as naked as her and his 'friend' was free to move in any direction.

"Can you come and see me today before the interview? I have some news for you and we have to decide what you should and not should mention to the magazine", Metin said.

"What time? And what time do I have to be at the magazine?" Can asked him.

"At five. Have you decided what to wear? There will be only a couple of pictures, no need to change clothes, but maybe they will ask you to undress a bit, Can".

"Whatever", Can answered him. "Are we having lunch then, I'll pop in at 12.30?"

"Great, lunch at 12.30, come and get me just before that, you lucky fucker. You're not worthy her, you know that, right?" Metin sighed.

"I know" Can replied with a grin and hung up on him.

He put the phone back on the nightstand and got that naked beauty in sight again. She was still sleepy and slipped under the covers beside him. She leaned over and gave him a soft kiss before she rolled over on her front and buried her face among the pillows.

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