19. What the f**k?!?

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Can called his brother. It was quite early Sunday morning, but he needed to talk to him. Emre answered him after a few signals with a sleepy voice and told him to come over when he heard how upset Can seemed to be.
Can still stood in Sanem's kitchen, and when he hung up the phone he searched for something to write with. He found a waterproof felt-tip pen in black and looked for a space where to write. Suddenly he got that crooked smile on his lips, the one he usually got when he was up to something. He walked over to the fridge and got into action.

Two minutes later he left and he made sure he closed the securitydoor and reconnected the alarm again.

He arrived at Emre's about half an hour later. His brother opened up the door and Can walked in. He had a coffee in his hand and asked Can if he wanted some.

"I prefer tea, but if you only have coffee...I'll have one, with milk and sugar" he replied to Emre. They both walked into the kitchen.
Emre made him one in the way he wanted it, turned around towards him and asked him what was up when he handed him the cafe latte.

"She left early this morning" Can said when he was sipping some latte.

"What do you mean she left?" Emre asked him. "Weren't everything really great yesterday evening, huh?"

"Yeah, it was, and after you and dad left...woah, it got even more than great..." Can mumbled. "She is...she means everything to me and we are made for each other, I actually mean we are really made to be together, forever" Can gestured with his hands when he tried to get Emre to understand him.

"But she left? Where to and why?" Emre asked him again with a questioning face.

"She left and I can only imagine where to and why" Can answered him with worry in his eyes. "I think she went to her summer house on the countryside, and why...first we had the incident with Polen. Even if she dealt with her in a great way, it must have been a bit upsetting, especially in front of you and dad. And then we talked about what dad brought up, what I should have brought up, but I didn't." Can looked guilty and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"She won't accept me going back to the agency, I mean me giving up acting. She thinks that one day I will blame her for giving it up, and I'm sure she would even break up with me to avoid that. The shittiest thing is I didn't bring it up, as I...I just didn't feel like to talk to her about it yet, that's why." He shrugged but still looked guilty.

"What are you going to do, Can?" Emre asked him. "Are you going after her?"

"This morning when I couldn't find her but only her note, I cried, Emre." Can looked down and Emre could see that he got tears in his eyes. He walked over and hugged him.

"Hey, it's gonna be okey, Can." Emre released him, looked at him but still held on to his arms. "You are so in love with each other and you will find your way, don't worry."

Can cleared his throat and wiped his eyes discretely before he met Emre's eyes.

"I just want to go after her and be with her, as she's the air I breathe, but I don't know if that is the best thing to do right now. Do you have any advice to give to your brother in need, please?" He tried to sound on ease where he stood, but he almost trembled in front of Emre.
Emre started to get worried about Can. Maybe it was nothing, but as he wasn't used to see him act and talk like this, he was really astonished. If this relation would go further on and in this way, what would Can do?

"I think you should give her some time to think and feel. On her own, Can. If you really need to see her, go there but stay away, let her be", he finished.

"When I think about her and the way she is, I'm scared like hell that she will realise she is better off without me!" He put his hands on his forehead, stroke his hair and started to walk back and forward on the kitchen floor.

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