8. Jealousy?

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Sanem was right on time for the lunch with Metin. She got inside, stopped and looked around the place, trying to find him. Soon she saw him waving at her, so she went towards the table. Then she noticed he wasn't alone, someone, a man, was sitting in front of him at the table. She only saw the back of him, and when she got there, Metin stood up and kissed her on her cheeks. She smiled and turned to look at the other man, who already had his hand ready to greet her. So she took it.

"Sanem, I want to introduce you to Şükrü Özyıldız, who wish to talk to you about a project", Metin said.

Sanem blushed but smiled her happiest smile at Şükrü, who looked at her with his dark eyes and kept her hand, and her eyes, in his a bit longer

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Sanem blushed but smiled her happiest smile at Şükrü, who looked at her with his dark eyes and kept her hand, and her eyes, in his a bit longer. This man was a famous turkish actor and singer, what on earth could he want from her? But atleast she recognized him straight away, not like with Can; she actually needed 24 hours and a lot of hot sex with Can to realize who he was..! Remembering that, she blushed a bit more.

"Really nice to meet you, Sanem" he said and smiled back at her and let her hand go.

"Well, I can only say the same to you, I...I really didn't expect this, but it's a pleasure". She looked at Metin and added "our Metin knows how to surprise women, right?"Metin just blinked at her and tried to look innocent, but he failed completely.

They got seated, Sanem with one man on each side, so they easier could discuss whatever this handsome man had on his mind. They ordered some food to pick on and did some small talk while waiting. When they had their drinks and food on the table, Metin told Şükrü to tell Sanem what he was after, so he did.

He explained to her he was an award candidate to Best Actor at the Istanbul Film Festival in July, and that he had been asked to perform a song of his own choice on the Festival. That was where she came into the picture, as he wanted just one dancer and that was her. She was free to perform it however, as long as she kept him informed. And as long as she adapted the dance and clothes to the song's theme, of course.
Sanem sat quiet, so Metin told her that Şükrü knew Bengü who really had enjoyed having her in her music videos, and that he had seen her dance videos on the web.

"So when I asked Metin about you, he told me he is your agent and here we are," Şükrü said and hold his hands up.
And then he added "to be honest, you are a great dancer and so damn beautiful, who wouldn't want you to perform a video, huh?" He smiled at her.

Sanem blushed again, took a sip of the wine she ordered and looked at them, still quiet. She took another sip and then put the glass back down.

"Tamam, ok, so what song are you planning for?" she asked him.

"I've decided for something different, so a remix of "Amen" by Enigma and Aquilo is what I really would like to sing", he said. "Do you know the song?" he then asked her.

"Wow, that would be fantastic! Two seconds and I already got ideas about how to perform the dance and even what to wear!" she clapped her hands and was almost bouncing on the chair, excited like a little girl with a big grin on her face.
Then she realized what she was doing and apologized to them and said

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