83. "And I love you more, Sanem. Hayatım."

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A month later, when Sanem reached 30 weeks, she was exhausted and got heavier for each day. Well, her belly and middle part of her body did. The babies were doing just fine and their weight was normal; about 1,5 kilos, that was what Dr Kaya had told them last Wednesday. Sanem also told Dunia about those increasing back aches she had since several weeks ago, and the doctor recomended her a pregnancy belt. A wide belt put underneath her heavy belly and with velcro snaps fastened on her back, which would help her to carry up the babies and give her some support. Already on the way home from the clinic, Can took her to one of the places selling those belts; he had looked it up online and had chosen the nearest one. He wanted to buy her two of them, a white and a black one, and the lady in the shop helped Sanem to choose the right size. Yes, it should be firm, but not too much. Sanem thanked her with a warm smile and said good bye when Can had paid her. Then he helped her to get in the truck, which he had parked just outside, and to put the seat belt on. She hummed and put her head back against the headrest with closed eyes. He halted and studied her face. Beautiful as always, but yes, she looked tired. He softly caressed her cheek and leaned in and kissed her. She opened her eyes and met his warm gaze. When he finished the sweet kiss and parted from her, he heard the words she mumbled out.

"I love you, Can. With all my heart and with all my belly, which means a lot in this moment..!"

They giggled together before he checked that her seat belt was properly fastened, closed the door on her side and got around and in behind the steering wheel. He turned the engine on and put the first gear in, but turned his head and gazed at her before he drove off.

"And I love you more, Sanem. Hayatım."


In the beginning of April Sanem did the last pregnant shoot for Mr Kenzo; the next one would be in fall with the upcoming winter collection, but a non-pregnant one, of course.

Can hadn't failed her even once, he was always nearby on the shoots, as Sanem had demanded in the contract

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Can hadn't failed her even once, he was always nearby on the shoots, as Sanem had demanded in the contract. And after the incidence with the dizzy duck and her dad's high heels shoes, Aziz had accepted Can's condition as he needed him at the agency, now more than ever since Sanem only worked from home. So Aziz made sure that all female clients got steered over to him, and if needed, Emre helped with any other kind of matter.
And in that way things worked well. Sanem was still doing great with the blood sugar and pressure, she walked Brownie every day to get her exercise, Can fed her with healthy food, she worked on the campaigns and rested in between. The pregnancy belt helped her with the back pain, but Dunia had told her to use it only a few hours every day, so she used it when she walked the dog and worked. And lately they had got a new routine, which Can loved; Sanem had her lunch, took Brownie out for his needs and then she went for her nap, which meant that when Can arrived from work he could snuggle up with her and Brownie in bed for a while. Yeah, with her AND Brownie..! Since the dog had dared to get up in the sofa for the first time that day, he wanted to be close to Sanem all the time, and she let him. She loved to feel him near her and Can didn't have the heart to tell them off. He just made himself some space behind Sanem's back, embraced her and nuzzled with his face at her neck. And she always hummed by happiness when she felt her husband close to her, to feel his touch and smell...and those hot lips on her skin, mmm...
Sometimes they ended up making sweet love, but Can always let her lead, he let her decide; he knew about her back aches, that she had better and worse days and didn't want her to feel any pressure about sex. And whenever his amazing wife asked him to give her a massage, he got the special 'heating muscle oil' from the bathroom and used it on her aching back the best he could; as she couldn't lay face down, well...but she always appreciated it and tried to pay back with what she could come up with. And today she had a surprise for him; they held on to each other for a little while longer, but as Sanem was eager to show it...soon she sat up on the edge of the bed and looked at him over her shoulder.

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