65. ...and another bold & pushy woman

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"How about 'Hayvan Barınağı Kalp ve Ruh'? I like that. 'Animal Shelter Heart & Soul'."

Sanem looked at Can when they sat in his car Wednesday morning on the way to see Sinan and Bulut before they were off to the bank. They had called Bulut and were pleased when he invited them over for a coffee and for a talk.

"Mmm...not bad at all, Sanem, it has a meaning; and I want everything about it to be done with that, with heart and soul." He glanced quickly at her and saw how she gazed at him with a small smile on her face. He turned his eyes back to the road.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that, bebek?"

"Because I love you and because you're mine to look at."

Can couldn't hold back his grin when he heard her say that; yes, he was all hers, both to love and to look at. He loved this a bit cocky Sanem, when she said and did things like that, it was kind of hot. Yeah. Really hot. He glanced at her again, shook his head with an incredulous smile on his face and speeded up a bit.

They spent almost a couple of hours with those two fabulous men; Sanem let them know how thankful she was, as they had helped to get everything ready for their wedding; it had been absolutely perfect, she assured them when she hugged first Bulut and then Sinan. As always, she held on a bit longer to the younger one, who, again as always, blushed but hugged her back. Bulut served them coffee and he updated Can and Sanem on how everything was going with the paperwork, licenses and permissions for the shelter. He thought it would be ready to open up in...maybe October, or November. In the worst of cases in December, but he said that at least before the end of the year. They still needed employees, find a veterinary who they could count on, get a good deal on pet food and how to find money to keep it going. Can told him that he and Sanem would take care of the last thing, the money, and that they needed a name for the shelter as they were on their way to the bank to open up an account; the kind where donations would be deposited by transactions from anywhere in the world. Bulut nodded at Can and saw how Sanem beamed beside him.

"Sanem, that look on your face tells me you already have a name in mind, don't you..?" Bulut smiled at her with raised eyebrows. She nodded at him but kept quiet. Then she turned her now wary eyes to Sinan.

 Then she turned her now wary eyes to Sinan

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"Only if the future manager likes it."

Sinan looked back at Sanem with a surprised expression on his face.

"Spill it out, Sanem! Bulut leaned over towards her and pushed her carefully on her shoulder.

"Well, what do you think about 'Hayvan Barınağı Kalp ve Ruh'? 'Animal Shelter Heart & Soul'."

She beamed again and bit her lip. Can watched her doing that in her excited state and she looked like a young girl for a moment. Absolutely gorgeous and he felt how the butterflies took off and raced around a few quick laps in his belly.

EK:...Love at first sight, they just didn't know itWhere stories live. Discover now