Epilogue..? Yeah, at least I think so.

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"Alysha, nooo! You can't treat Brownie as an alien, because he's not! And nooo, he did not arrive on a spaceship, I've told you, bebek!"

"Alysha, nooo! You can't treat Brownie as an alien, because he's not! And nooo, he did not arrive on a spaceship, I've told you, bebek!"

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Can closed his eyes when he tried to save Brownie and his short tail from his daughter Alysha's alien-convinced hands. She was so cute where she stood, with her frowned forehead and with her hands on her waist. Gosh, she was a copy of Sanem! And he loved her just as much as he loved her mother, and her brothers. Yeah. He got hold of Brownie to keep him safe.

"Daaad! Eros kicked the ball and now we can't find it! He doesn't even care, because he wants to go and read with mummy! Baba, can you help me find it, please?"

"Daaad! Eros kicked the ball and now we can't find it! He doesn't even care, because he wants to go and read with mummy! Baba, can you help me find it, please?"

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Can sighed when he heard Zeus' complaints about his twin brother. They always complained about each other, but still...at the end of the day they were back together like the identical twins they were, no matter what. He sighed again and got up on his feet.

"Alysha, help us find the ball, come on bebek! And you Brownie, go inside and get some rest! Go go go!"

Then Can froze. And noticed how his three children and even their dog ran off. He felt her before he saw her. He inhaled and turned his head towards the terrace. Sanem. Gosh, how he loved her..! Who the fuck would not rush to her, and who the fuck wouldn't love her, huh..?


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Thanks to Can, Sanem and Bulut he was able to graduate as a veterinarian several years later. He never left the always growing shelter, and he never ever left his family; he taught his 'younger brothers' to love every creature, in need or not, and he was working on it with Alysha as well, and...yeah. He did his best.


He made Sanem's business and the shelter grow while he still worked hard at Mirhiban's farm. He was Sinan's best friend, even if he knew that Sinan had his...special feelings for Can and Sanem. But he loved him as such; as his dearest friend. And he loved Canem as well.


The never ending friend, and auntie. She loved Canem's children as if they were her own. And she actually fancied Aziz, Can's dad! Who fancied her back and decided to ask her out. Very well done, Aziz..!


Woah, Emre..! When he got to know CeyCey at Canem's wedding, well...they fell in love and decided to shout it out on the rooftops all over Istanbul. Way to go..!

Metin & Gamze

Ay, Metin..! Another 6 months and there will be a smaller version of you in this world..! Or a smaller version of Gamze, who knows???

...and our Canem

They lived for their children and for each other, but stayed in touch with all their friends; they visited Brad, now divorced, and his children in the States, they spent time with Ronaldo and his family in Portugal, they stayed with the Sheerans when they went to London...the family travelled whenever they could get away from school and the agency...and they always gathered family and friends together at their place several times every year.

Their love was, is and will always be palpable.

Their love was, is and will always be palpable

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I ❤️ Canem


Coming next:

Crossed fingers that it will be good enough to read, whenever it will be ready for you!!🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽

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Crossed fingers that it will be good enough to read, whenever it will be ready for you!!

❤️ eri

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