43. Definitely & absolutely. Yes.

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Sanem wanted to clean the house a bit, but Can told her no, the dust won't go anywhere and that today was a great day, far too great to be wasted on cleaning..! They did open it up on both sides, to ventilate and to get some fresh and warm summer air inside. Sanem prepared some tea for them, and they sat down on the small stairway outside. Can looked back at the beautiful little house while he sipped on his tea.

"I so much look forward to make this place bigger, and to really make it ours

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"I so much look forward to make this place bigger, and to really make it ours. I want it big enough for at least three children." He nodded to himself and sipped more tea.

"Three? At least..? Caaan..!" Sanem got a flustered face on when she stared at him.

"Yeah, three. At least." He nodded again, this time at her. He smirked when he saw how she struggled with that number. Three.

"As I know that you, just like me, don't like uneven numbers, Sanem, let's make it four, okey? I'm impatient to get you pregnant and to see, love and feel you being pregnant!"

He was deadly serious when he looked at her. Sanem looked back at him with eyes big as plates.

"Can...two is an even number as well you know, isn't it..?" She tried to make him see that two children would maybe be enough.

"Naaah, I definitely want more than just two children, why not, Sanem? Don't you like babies?" He looked at her with a questioning and very innocent face on.

"Well...I do like babies, but...we are still young and...we'll see what the future brings us, right, Can?" She leaned over towards him and kissed him on his cheek.

"We'll see..? No way. Do not worry, Sanem, I'll make sure that our future will bring an even number of babies, higher than two, okey?" Can looked at her with a satisfied grin on his face. Then he went on.

"But until we reach that future, we will practice very often how to make those beautiful children of ours, right sevgılım..?" Can kissed her swiftly on her mouth. Then he got serious.

"Sanem...I want a whole bunch of children, our children, so we can show them what love is. I want to show them that we, you and I, will always be there for them, no matter what. I think my dad, all on his own, just like your parents did with you, raised me to be what I am today, and I want to raise our children to be a part of a better and more loving world. Does that sound for real..?"

Can frowned at her when he finished blurting out his thoughts and feelings.

"It sounds beautiful to me," she answered with a low voice and gazed at him.

Can gazed back at her with a small smile.

"Do you want to go for a walk at the beach before lunch? I have special plans for lunch you see." Can got a mischievous expression on his face.

"Do you? What plans, Can?" Sanem got curious.

"Won't tell you, bebek! Surprise!" He got up from where he sat and pulled her up with him. She wasn't ready for that and squeaked and held her breath when her tea went flying and landed on the grass nearby. The glass didn't break and she started to breathe again.

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