16. A jar full of love

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When Can woke up early Saturday morning he yawned and strethed out his body. Sanem's side of the bed was empty, so he got out of it as well and went to the bathroom. After he'd washed his face and brushed his teeth, he went to the kitchen, where he supposed he would find her. She was sitting by the kitchen island with a fresh çay in front of her, scrolling on her ipad. She looked up when she heard him.

"Günaydin Sevgilim", she greeted him with that warm smile of hers that always got Can's knees a bit shaky. Shaky or not, he walked over to her and hugged her and buried his face on her neck. Gosh, how could a woman smell so damn good? he wondered, kissed that sweet spot under her ear and sat down on the stool next to hers.

"Good morning, my everything" he replied to her and caressed her face. She leaned in towards his hand, closed her eyes and kissed his palm. Then she got up and made him a glass of her tea and put it in front of him.

"We forgot completely about two things last night, but who wouldn't in those circumstances..?" Can said with a sly smile. "We forgot about my cream and I forgot to tell you something" he went on, watching her with caution.

"You have your cream right here, whenever you're ready" Sanem said and showed him the little white jar with a mint colored lid in front of him. "And exactly what did you forget to tell me about, Can?", she asked him and tilted her head at him.
He picked the jar up and checked it, turned it around and then he read what was written on the small sticker which was stuck on it.

"To the love of my life"

He got tears in his eyes and he didn't mind that she could see how they began to run silently on his cheeks. She stood up between his legs and tugged his beard with her hands, wiped away the tears and kissed him on the mouth. Then she took the jar from him, opened it up and got a small amount of cream on one finger. She spread it out on her palms and fingers and then she put them on his neck, throat and cheeks and massaged it into his skin. He could feel the scent of it and wow! he thought, she was right, it was more than delightful! She held on to his face and told him that now they had to wait for 10 minutes; the cream needed time to get mixed with his skin and to react with it. After that they would know how he would smell with his very own and personal cream on. She blinked at him and he gave her a shy smile, still with tears in his eyes. He dried them off with the back of his hand and sipped his tea. He leaned over to her and placed small kisses on her face meanwhile she inhaled.

"Can, it's getting there and I can only say that you will smell like heaven!" she squealed with excitement. He laughed at her and took her in his arms, pressed her against his chest and again he wondered if it was legal to be and to feel this happy.

Another 5 minutes and she was all over him. She was completely captivated by how his cream and his skin in harmony had developed this incredible scent. She was proud of herself and couldn't stop smiling. And she couldn't stop kissing and smelling him all over either, and they ended up making love on the rug by the windows, a slow lovemaking in the bright morninglight with some sunbeams dancing on their bodies, hearts and souls.


Still at the rug by the windows, naked and sated, Sanem asked him again

"What were you going to tell me, Can?"

"Eehh...this evening, you and me are having guests at my place" he stated, again with caution in his eyes.

She looked a bit puzzled and frowned at him to make him go on.

"My dad and brother really want to meet you, so I invited them for dinner at 7. Bbq, some salad, bread and drinks. Very informal by the pool" he finished, shrugged and really tried to act like if that was normal, nothing special. Then he looked at her with raised eyebrows and wonder in his eyes.

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