11. Can's choice? Well...no.

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Can really tried to stay calm and not jealous at all. When Sanem filled his glass half way, he forced himself not to knock the whiskey down. He sipped it, even if they were big sips. Still quiet, he asked her for another glass with his hand and she filled it half way again.

"Can?", she said quietly. "Are you okey?"

He glared at her and just said "no".

"Okey, so what's your problem, can we talk about it?" she asked him.

He swallowed the last whiskey and put the glass on the table. He could feel how the drink worked on him, burning its way down to his stomach, even if he wondered if he ever could get enough whiskey to be able to deal with these feelings he had right now.

"My problem? You want to talk about my problem, Sanem? I told you I didn't want you anywhere near him, and here you are, telling me you are supposed to dance with him on that damn film festival next month, and you still ask me what my problem is?"

She could see how jealous he was, jealous and proud, she guessed. Well, that wasn't going to work with her..!

"Can, this isn't your choice. I am the only one who decides with who I will work, ever." She didn't say it in a cocky way, she just informed him in plain terms. But in Can's world it sounded very cocky and he got all his senses on alert level.
He looked at her with his very black eyes.

"What does that mean, Sanem? That we won't even consider the thoughts and feelings of our beloved one?" He was clearly upset. "So, if I have to go to Italy for 6 months to get prepared for the shoot of a new serie there, and the producer wants me to have a fake relationship with some blond, italian brat, you wouldn't mind? At all?" He stared at her with an incredolous look at his face.

"Well, I suppose I wouldn't mind, even if you can't really compare this situation with that kind of situation..! I just have to trust you and believe in your feelings for me, right?" she asked him. When he didn't look at her, he didn't meet her eyes, she suddenly understood.

"You mean, as it's better not to trust you, you won't trust me either? Can?"

He looked at her and rolled his eyes. He sighed deeply before he went on.

"No Sanem, that is not what this is all about. It would never be necessary for you to have to trust me in that way, because I wouldn't accept the project in the first place! Maybe it sounds stupid to you after knowing each other only a few days, but I wouldn't be able to leave you for so long, I want you near me all the time. When I'm not with you I can't really breathe and I can't stop thinking about you, Sanem."

Now he had got those puppy eyes again. She loved them just as she hated the power he got over her every time he used that look. She put her hands on his cheeks and caressed his beard with her fingers.

"Can", she said, "this...thing we have, you and me, which makes me feel so special and so happy with you and which makes my heart burst every time I see you...I won't feel that with someone else, ever. I was waiting for you to come around and that means I was waiting for only you, not a whole bunch of men, do you get it?" She tilted her head in a questioning way and waited for him to answer.

"I don't want you to work with him." He sounded like a grumpy 5 years old. That was it, can't be clearer, he thought.

"Why not, where is the problem, Can? What I just told you doesn't matter at all to you? It's only work, we will only work together for a short while and I assure you I do not feel anything but admiration for Şükrü, as an actor and singer."

"I know how men like him are, Sanem. Yeah, it's only work and suddenly you wake up naked together and you don't even know what or how it happened."

She frowned at him and crossed her arms on her chest, waiting for him to go on.
He entwined his fingers and then he looked at her.

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