45. Mr Hickey's burning butt initials

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Sanem placed the tray on the table and put the latte in front of Bulut, and a capuccino each for her and Can. She told them to get the sugar and cinnamon they wanted, and that they had to try Mirhiban's so great cookies. She sat down beside Bulut and leaned backwards in her seat. She whisked her hair over her shoulders before she got it all together and put it up in a high ponytail. Bulut watched her do that and said,

 Bulut watched her do that and said,

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"Well...I hope the wedding won't be tomorrow or the day after, as for sure that huge hickey you've got on your neck...it won't look pretty on the pictures." He shrugged and had another glance at her. Sanem froze. What was he talking about?

"Bulut, what are you talking about, what hickey?" Sanem looked at him and frowned.

"That one." He pointed at her neck.

Sanem tried to turn her head to see what he was talking about, but as she wasn't a doll with a head that could be turned around in any way or all the way, she didn't see anything. She turned her face towards Can. Well, well, well. There he was, trying to look like an innocent young boy who never ever had done anything wrong in his entire life. He acted like he didn't see how she stared at him. Her eyes got narrowed when he still ignored her and she got up and ran off towards the house. She went straight to the bathroom and turned the light on. When she stood in front of the mirror she couldn't see any hickey; was Bulut joking with her..? But then she leaned forward and could see a little bit further back on her neck and...oh shit! That was a big hickey! And really dark! Sanem put one hand on her mouth to...to what? To keep herself from crying out loud?
She couldn't believe it! Damn him! This was...this was a teenager's behavior! Then she realized he stood in the doorway behind her. She turned around and glared at him.

"Can! Just look at me! I can't believe you've done this!" she snarled at him and showed him her neck. "A few more of them and I will look like a leopard, for Christ's sake!"

 "A few more of them and I will look like a leopard, for Christ's sake!"

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She turned back to the mirror and leaned in again to have another look. Then she noticed him, standing right behind her. He was quiet and they locked eyes in the mirror in front of them. He tilted his head and was serious.

"Well...that's a sign of passion, Sanem. A love bite. I made it this morning when we made love, remember?" He spoke to her in a low voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, but sometimes I can't control myself and my feelings when I'm with you, and you have the result on your neck." Now he got those puppy eyes on again. He got closer to her back and put his arms around her waist.

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