67. Pure love & intense practice

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Sanem was making her list, sitting at the kitchen table Monday morning. Or...she tried to. As she hadn't travelled a lot in her life, only a few longer weekend trips, she didn't have a clue what she really needed on a 3 weeks trip to a place like Madagascar. She knew that they would have laundry service, so no need to take half her wardrobe with them; Sanem was smart and usually had logical thoughts. She tried to have in mind what she and Can had looked up about the place and what they had planned to do during their honeymoon; not only sexy lingerie was needed,

(even if that was what Can had insisted on with dark, sparkling eyes and with a wide grin on his face) but several bikinis, sun dresses, sport wear, sandals and comfortable shoes, shorts, tank tops, skirts

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(even if that was what Can had insisted on with dark, sparkling eyes and with a wide grin on his face) but several bikinis, sun dresses, sport wear, sandals and comfortable shoes, shorts, tank tops, skirts...maybe even some kind of jacket, or a long sleeved sweater and trousers, if the evenings got chilly. Then the toiletry bag. Her tooth brush, the most important thing to her. And her birth control pills. The toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner...Can had told her they would get all that as he had booked them a luxury villa on a very private island, but Sanem didn't trust her hair care to anyone, so...she wrote down her own stuff on the list, like her creams for any occasion and many more things. Pfff. She groaned when she realized that she must cut it down a bit. Luxuary, private island...and what if she needed something? Was there a 'Seven eleven' at the edge of the beach, huh? She sighed and rested her elbows on the table with her face in her hands. Then she remembered that they were expected to look savage for the shoot of the advertisement, which meant dark tan, no bikini marks, wild hair...sexy looks in general. Okey. She crossed out the most unnecessary things and wondered if they were supposed to live and behave as like if they were part of that TV program...what was it called? 'Naked and afraid'? Well, that program she enjoyed to watch sometimes, where the participants had to live during 21 days naked and with almost no help at all to survive. After those three weeks, the participants who didn't abandon, normally looked like...shit. Yes. Skinny, bitten all over, sun burned skin and with the hair as a scarecrow. Gloomy in general. Hmm...well, her and Can were not supposed to be gloomy and horrible, just very tanned and with a wild look, and thanks God for that! Sanem wasn't up for to starve at her own honeymoon, no way, she wanted to try all that luxury food Can had told her about! She could deal with most of the other, but...she couldn't be without food. Or without Can. She sighed out loud again when she imagined Can...Her Can. She smiled when she thought about her husband, but shuddered a bit when she thought back on the past weekend.

Last Friday Metin had called in the morning to ask them to pop in at his place in the early afternoon. Not his office, his home, so they did. Metin let them in and together they walked out to the garden, where they got happily surprised when all the friends and family from their wedding were there, shouting 'surpriiise'!, except Sanem's parents; Metin had invited them, but Mevkibe had politely declined, as they were back home and far too old to travel back and forth. Both her and Nihat thanked him for the invitation and wished them all a good time.
Sanem was so pleased to see all her friends again; Ed, Will, Bulut, Mirhiban, Aziz, Sinan, Ayhan, Osman...she couldn't stop smiling while she hugged each and everyone. After some snacks, drinks and many laughs later, they had a quick word with Metin and Ed; Metin confirmed that Dior would arrive to Madagascar, more precisely to Antananarivo, the capital, at the 15th of September, and would meet up with the Divits somewhere on the northeast side of the island, where they would have that tropical rainforest. Pay attention to your phone, Can, his friend and still assertive agent told him and glanced at Sanem when he said that. She smiled at him and nodded. Good, Metin thought; if Sanem promises to fix that, she will.
Then Ed. He leaned in towards Sanem and hugged her softly while Metin spoke again. How about October, Sanem? She agreed, even if it would be hectic after Madagascar. She wanted it to be done, and she really looked forward to dance and act in Ed's music video. Can watched them from one side, but didn't bother about Ed hugging his wife; they were friends, and friends are allowed to do so. One of many things that Sanem had taught him. So now they agreed on to get back together about the dance, the script, where to make the video...in the end of September or in the beginning of October. Again Sanem hugged them all, before they headed back to Can's car.

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