61. Almost

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She reached out to get the dimlights on, when she heard him quietly ask her not to. She turned around. They stood in front of each other in the hallway. It was dark, but the light from the full moon soon helped their night vision to get used to it. He took her small hands in his, leaned in and put his face on her neck. He smelled her and placed soft kisses on her skin. Then he lingered at her ear.

"Let's get our teeth brushed."

When Sanem heard him say that, she quickly stepped back and put a hand over her mouth. She looked horrified.

"Caaan...do I have a smelly breath?" she squeaked out while she blushed all over.

He couldn't hold back a short laugh before he grabbed her at her waist and pulled her against his body. He removed her hand from her mouth and kissed her softly. After a moment he ended the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers.

 After a moment he ended the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers

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"Sanem...I love everything about you. That includes your smell, but not only the smell of your skin or your hair, it also includes your breath; your breath of wine, the garlic one...any. To me you always smell good! I think that even your farts will smell good to me, but as I haven't had the pleasure yet...but we'll get there." He nodded, shrugged and got his crooked smile on, and noticed how her cheeks got a bit hotter again, due to his words. She still was so shy around him..! He went on.

"Earlier you promised me that I could do with you whatever I wanted to, so...I know how important your teeth are to you, so let's get done with that. First." He added the last word with an innocent expression on his smiling face. So they both brushed their teeth and Sanem washed her make up off and quickly got her hair loose. He took the brush and started to use it on her long and silky hair. She watched him in the mirror in front of them, and she could see that he enjoyed it. A small smile appeared on her lips. Good, because she really enjoyed it, too. She hummed and closed her eyes. After a couple of minutes he stopped, so she opened her eyes again and gazed at him in the mirror while she put some cream on her face. He waited for her to finish.

"Now I want you over by the windows," he whispered, sniffed on her cheek and then gave her a haste kiss on her shoulder.

She wondered what he was up to, as yes, she knew perfectly what she'd promised him as a reward if he stayed hard on that stage. She was nervous, as there were...um, a few 'things' they hadn't tried or done yet, and she thought Can maybe was up for it. She bit her lip when she got to the windows and got goosebumps all over when he came up behind her and started to caress her arms with fingers light as feathers. All the way down to her fingertips, then up again, to her stiff shoulders. When he noticed her stiffness he used his fingers to massage her, and she could feel how she relaxed, bit by bit. Wow. Those sexy fingers of his...they did marvels! With any part of her body, actually. She blushed when she thought about it, but then she asked herself why she still blushed about this kind of thoughts? They were only a few days from getting married and Can had showed her all she knew about making love and hot sex, so why this shyness..? She got her mind back to him when he slowly zipped down the zipper of her dress and helped her step out of it. As he was still behind her, she couldn't see what he did with the dress, but just 3 seconds later his hands were back on her body. She heard him gasp by appreciation when he saw her in just underwear and high heels, standing there with only the shining moonlight on her skin and hair. He leaned in towards her back and got his hands on the clasp of the bra while he whispered to her

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