55. ...from now on ex fiancee

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Güç Bey was still a bit overwhelmed. He hadn't expect this visit and wasn't prepared. When he laid his eyes on her and on the ring she wore... yes, first he got overwhelmed, then he managed to keep calm. He was old and had seen and known many people, but never a woman, a person, as incredible as her. Now he did understand Can and how he had insisted to get something very special for her.

 Now he did understand Can and how he had insisted to get something very special for her

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Already at first sight he felt it. That something. Her eyes, her smile, her being...she touched his heart and soul. She had walked in on him, all alone as Can tried to find parking for his truck, and she had mesmerized him from the very beginning. Her breathtaking smile, her aura. They didn't know each other, but he had seen their pictures online and when Güç saw the ring...he knew. And when she had tilted her head at him with that smile...he just...yeah, knew. This was not just 'a kind of woman', this was the woman. Can's woman.

"Good morning, miss. You must be Sanem, Miss Sanem, am I right?"

Güç saw how he surprised her. She answered him with the most gorgeous smile ever.

"Yes, how did you know? We haven't met before."

"Well...I haven't met you, but I did meet Can. And he told me about you. So I would be able to make you a ring worthy you," he explained. "Thing is, now I actually wonder how I was supposed to do that. Impossible, I would say."

He got a crooked smile on his old face when he noticed how she blushed by his words. Both turned their heads towards the door when Can suddenly stumbled inside. He had a smile on his face when he greeted Güç Bey with his hand. Then he laid one arm around Sanem's waist and introduced her to the old man. Güç shook his head and told Can he had known who she was since the moment she entered. Again he saw her blush and she made him catch some air when her breathtaking smile returned to her face. He gathered himself and cleared his throat.

"So, you youngsters are here to choose your wedding bands, right? As Sanem's engagement ring is a bit...let's say flamboyant, I think you should go for something...plain, maybe? If not, I think it will be far too much for her beautiful but small hands, don't you agree?"

He waited for them to respond, but they just looked and smiled at each other and then nodded towards him. How did they do that..? He shook his head again and turned around to get the keys to get the rings out for them.

"I would love frosted rose gold, if possible," Sanem said and beamed at Güç. She saw him raise his eyebrows at her.

"Good choice, Sanem, let's have a look at what I've got here." He grabbed the keyring, chose a key and got the big, flat drawer out where the frosted rings were exposed and put it on the desk.
Almost all of them were stuck in compartments in pairs. They slowly scanned the drawer in silence for quite a while, before Can looked at Sanem.

"Do you..?" Can asked. She smiled and nodded at him.

"And you?" She asked him back. He nodded.

"How about at 3, and let's see..?", he asked, bit his lip and saw how she turned her gaze back to the rings for a moment, before she met eyes with him again.

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