27. With Can in the morning? Hot. Always hot...

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Sanem was up early next morning. When she woke up, first she felt relaxed and happy to have Can sleeping beside her. She turned on her side and laid there and watched him for a while. How she loved this adorable man. And how he loved her. She wondered what she'd done to deserve him but whatever it was, she couldn't be happier. Then she remembered. Friday. Interview. Bulut. Creams. Milan...pfff, suddenly she didn't feel that relaxed anymore. She looked at the alarmclock at her nightstand. 6.45 am. She got out of bed and tried not to wake Can up, even if it seemed to be no need of that as he clearly slept soundly, like he usually did. At least with her, in her bed. Beds. Both here and in the city. She went to the bathroom for her needs, washed her face and brushed her teeth. On the way out she grabbed Can's t shirt from yesterday and put in on and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. She lingered a bit as she felt his smell and she put her nose into his beard. He smelled Can, mixed with the scent she'd made for him. She inhaled deeply but got off him as he started to move. She felt that desire for him again, inside her belly and in her sex, but no. She sighed. Then a thought came up in her mind. Why did she wake up so hot and horny most mornings? She frowned for a moment before she shook her head and smiled to herself. Who wouldn't wake up horny beside this 'Zeus', huh? She gave her head a small smack with her hand as to get it to work and walked off.

First dimlights on in the kitchen, then kettle. She wanted tea. She switched it on and walked over to the windows. The dawn was coming and she loved to watch how the sky got brighter at this time in the morning. She hoped the weather would be good for the weekend; she loved to be here but everything was so much easier if the weather was nice, as less things to do if it rained or was cold outside.

 She hoped the weather would be good for the weekend; she loved to be here but everything was so much easier if the weather was nice, as less things to do if it rained or was cold outside

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The kettle switched itself off at its boiling point, so she went back and prepared herself a mug of tea. She walked over to the sofa and sat down. Her ipad was on the table so she took it and pressed the button to get it out of sleeping mode and then she swiped the screen. She was a bit nervous and couldn't remember with which magazine he had done the interview, but she put in his name on Google search and wow! Lots of things popped up. She closed her eyes and told herself not to get upset due to whatever she might see, but she already felt bad. There it was. 'Alem Magazine got the most exclusive news at the interview with Can Divit!' She clicked on it and got to read about 10 lines; from there you got 2 choices which were 'pay to read it all', or 'go to your local newspaper stand to buy the damn magazine'..! Yeah, just let me get dressed and I'll go and fetch one behind that corner over there..! Shit! Then she calmed down and realised that for sure they would have sent some kind of sample to Can, and to Metin, as his agent, right? Aha. So she should just sit here and wait until Can woke up, or until she could call Metin? No way. She got her phone and put the same search in as at the ipad. There it was again, she clicked and there you go. She clicked on 'pay here' and went further on. On her mobile phone she had her bank account and her virtual paycard connected, so she paid and in one minute she had the whole interview opened up, with some sexy pictures of her handsome boyfriend. She zoomed him in and drooled a bit, but got aware about how stupid she was, as she actually had him, the original, sleeping in her bed! She wanted to go in there and drool all over him right now, but first the interview.

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