15. Butterflies everywhere

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It was Friday evening and Can was on his own at home. After he left the agency and his father, he went to the supermarket and got what he needed for the next day's bbq. He bought enough ribs, pork chops and spanish chorizo for 10 people he thought, and things for the salad. He chose different bottles of nice red wine, as he knew it was Sanem's favorite, even if he really didn't know her favorite brand. He felt a bit stupid, as they had had wine several times together, but he had been so into her, he hadn't paid any attention to what wine she prefered, only that it was red.
Pffff, he thought, what a man of details he proved to be..! But! He would find out rather sooner than later, he promised himself.
He also grabbed beers and a new bottle of whiskey, as he knew that both his dad and brother enjoyed having a glass or two in the evening, and so did he.

He stored the food and drinks, got himself that glass of whiskey he enjoyed and went outside with the glass and his phone. He had a seat on one of the sunbeds and called Sanem. When he heard the first tone he got those butterflies back in his belly, and when he heard her voice answering with that sweet "hello" of hers, he got goosebumps all over and couldn't avoid getting that wolf grin on his face. He wondered if it was legal to feel this happy.

"Hi babe, everything okey?" he asked her.

"I'm just fine but it has been a buzy day. And you, how was your day?" she asked him back.

"From 9 something this morning til now it has actually been shit, as I haven't seen you. And that call you made me at midday was far from enough to make my day, so..." he ended the sentence with a smile.

"Well, Mr Grumpy, if it makes you feel better, I've been buzy making your cream, and I can tell you it came out perfect! I can't wait for you to use it and to get to know how it will smell on your skin, Can!" She was so thrilled and the anticipation was killing her.

"I can come over if you want to", he said in a low voice.

"Do you want to come?" she whispered back to him.

"If I want to? I missed you all day and just wondered if I would survive until tomorrow, so yes, I very much want to come over. But it won't be only to try my cream on, I can assure you that, so yes, I do want to come..."

"Can...please, stop talk to me like that, as I get so hot and horny", she pleaded with a smile . She knew what she was doing to him and she could hear him moan on the other end of the phone. She bit her lip and smiled again.. But she actually was getting hotter, and she did her best to let him know that.

"Really, Can, I wish you were here right now as I'm so wet and ready for you..."

She heard him gasp and then the call ended. Okey, she thought and looked at the phone, that means there is a very horny caveman on his way over here, so she quickly started to think about any kind of naughty surprise for him.

Then she snapped her fingers and remembered. Ayhan had made her a funny gift when Sanem turned 20, just something extra to laugh about, and even if she blushed a bit, she still smiled and went to the bedroom to search for it. It took a while, but finally she found it, turned it back and forth a couple of times and wondered if she dared to wear them. She had showered earlier in the evening and was wearing a cozy short dress, nothing sexy but very comfy. So if she put this..."thongs" on underneath, she was quite sure Can would be very surprised and immensely...what? Hot? Horny? Happy? Anything that started with an h, she thought and took off the panties she was wearing and slipped the other ones on. She had a quick look at herself in the big mirror in her bedroom, and she liked what she saw. It turned her on when she imagined Can and his fingers, his mouth and tongue exploring these butterfly panties with its open crotch, or exploring what was showed off by them...yes, she got wet and hot, well, wetter and hotter, when she thought about it. And yes, these panties didn't cover anything, they only showed off. Exactly what she wanted, she thought and got a sly smile on her lips.

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