41. A minx with an s and with an h

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"I don't think about her as my mum. To me she is just the woman who gave birth to me 30 years ago."

Can sipped some soda and then he spinned the glass around and he could hear the ice cubes bouncing towards each other and against the glass.

Can sipped some soda and then he spinned the glass around and he could hear the ice cubes bouncing towards each other and against the glass

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"She never showed me any mother feelings, or...I never perceived anything like that, even if I tried. And yes, I really tried to make her love me as far back as I can remember, but...nothing. Those few moments of her life when she didn't only think of herself, she only showed some affection for my brother. And even if I wasn't 10 years old yet, I remember that I preferred Emre to get that affection from her, so he wouldn't feel the same way as I did; unloved and not worthy her love."

Can took his eyes off of the glass and saw that Sanem had tears in her eyes. He raised his hand and caressed her chin with his fingers and got his shy smile on.

"Hey babe, don't be sad, please. I promise, I do not miss her at all; my dad gave and showed me what love is, and still does, so I left her behind many years ago. You know, I wasn't the only 8 years old boy abandoned by his mum or dad, or both, in the world, and I've survived as you can see."

He got that gorgeous pantie-dropping smile on and Sanem sighed deeply when she stared into his beautiful, dark eyes.

She had got one of his hands in hers, and she brought it up to her lips and kissed his fingers, one by one

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She had got one of his hands in hers, and she brought it up to her lips and kissed his fingers, one by one. She noticed how he got affected by that, as he inhaled and bit his lip before he spoke.

"Ehmm...sevgılım...don't do that if you don't want me to make love to you here, in the restaurant somewhere, please."

Can's eyes got darker when he told her that with his low and sexy voice.
She bit his fingertips and then she put their hands back on the table between them.

"How could she separate her sons like that, I wonder who would do that if it wasn't really necessary..." Sanem shook her head in disbelieve.

"I think, or the three of us think so, that it was just to annoy my dad. She always did put her own needs before anything else, included the needs of her sons and specially, in that moment, her future ex-husband's needs as well. But the worst was that she left for Switzerland."

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