40. A stunned and corner peeing Can

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This had been a new experience to Can. He had been in bed, or out of it, with many women in his life, but...this had been so damn incredible! He still shook his head to himself when he watched Sanem talking to Levent, CeyCey's cousin and real estate agent, beside the pool in the garden. She was...she is...he bit his lower lip, smiled and shook his head again. Amazing, absolutely outstanding and totally his. And he was so hers. He got himself back together and walked over to them.

"Can, this house will be easy to sell, we just need to get it prepared to show off; we need some fresh flowers and get pictures taken for the announcement." Levent turned towards Can.

"The storage company will come tomorrow for my furnitures and stuff, but, if you need me to re-arrange that, I can try," Can said. "I mean if you need the furnitures for the photos." He looked at the other man.

"That would be great, as the house and its furnitures and decoration is quite okey, modern, and that would save us time."

Levent nodded at Can but turned his eyes back on Sanem and put a hand on her shoulder and kept it there.
Can frowned and stared at him, but this Levent acted like as he didn't notice. Can walked over to Sanem's other side and put his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. He gave her a swift kiss on her cheek. That made the agent step back and he held up his hand and frowned.

"Wooh...I thought this was a breakup, but...it isn't I guess, right? Sorry I made some hastied conclusions, but that's the reason of 90% of our houses for sale" He shrugged and smiled. "But I'm happy that that's not your case."

Can could see some disappointment in the other man's face and smirked at him, still with his arm at Sanem's waist

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Can could see some disappointment in the other man's face and smirked at him, still with his arm at Sanem's waist.

"Levent, can you give me 5 minutes and I will make a few calls? And your team, could they be here tomorrow for the pictures, or..?" Can raised his eyebrows at Levent.

"Absolutely, they can be here at 8 am if you want to!" Levent smiled at Can.

Can looked at him and squeezed Sanem with his strong arm.

"At 8? Can we make that 9, as I'll be at our place in town? So I can have some...breakfast in bed with Sanem before I leave," he said and smiled at her.

"At 9, perfect! The team of photographer and interior decorators will be here by then!"

Can made his calls and confirmed with Levent that the storage company would come in the afternoon, so his team would have enough time to do their job before.
Levent raised his hand and shook it with both Can and Sanem. Then he turned around and walked over the lawn and disappeared behind the corner of the house.
Sanem turned around and put her fingers in Can's beard.

"Did you pee in all the corners, Can..?" she asked him and then grabbed the beard and pulled his face down and kissed him softly on his mouth.

?" she asked him and then grabbed the beard and pulled his face down and kissed him softly on his mouth

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